see complete list of publications click here
T. K. T. Nguyen, T. B. Cao, T. A. Chu, T. L. H. Nguyen, H. Q. Nguyen and M. N. Kiselev (2024):
Effects of asymmetry in Kondo channels on thermoelectric efficiency,
Communications in Physics, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 317-332 [PDF]
D. V. Efremov, Weyner Ccuiro, Luis E. F. Foa Torres, and M. N. Kiselev (2024):
Breaking of Lorentz invariance caused by the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and transverse phonon modes in quantum wires,
arXiv: 2407.08613 [PDF]
T. K. T. Nguyen, H. Q. Nguyen, M. N. Kiselev (2024):
Thermoelectric transport across a tunnel contact between two charge Kondo circuits: Beyond perturbation theory,
Physical Review B 109, 115139 [PDF]
M. N. Kiselev (2023):
Generalized Wiedemann-Franz law in a two-site charge Kondo circuit:
Lorenz ratio as a manifestation of the orthogonality catastrophe,
Physical Review B 108, L081108 (Letter) [PDF] , extended version in ArXiv: 2304.10872 [PDF]
T. K. T. Nguyen, A. V. Parafilo, H. Q. Nguyen, and M. N. Kiselev (2023):
Charge Kondo circuit as a detector for electron-electron interactions in a Luttinger Liquid,
Physical Review B 107, L201402 (Letter) [PDF], Supplemental Materials [PDF]
H. Lorenz, S. Kohler, A. Parafilo, M. Kiselev, and S. Ludwig (2023):
Classical analogue to driven quantum bits based on macroscopic pendula,
Scientific Reports (Nature Group), Sci. Rep. 13, 18386 [PDF], Supplemental Materials [PDF] , Movie [MP4],
arXiv: 2207.09296 [PDF]
T.K.T. Nguyen and M.N. Kiselev (2022):
Heat conductance oscillations in two weakly connected charge Kondo circuits,
Communications in Physics, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 331-342 [PDF]
D.V. Efremov and M.N. Kiselev (2022):
Seven Etudes on dynamical Keldysh model,
SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 65 [PDF], extended version [PDF]
D.B. Karki, A.I. Pavlov and M.N. Kiselev (2022):
Multistage Kondo effect in a multiterminal geometry: A modular quantum interferometer,
Physical Review B 105, L041410 (Letter) [PDF], Supplemental Materials [PDF]
A.V. Parafilo, T.K.T. Nguyen and M.N. Kiselev (2022):
Thermoelectrics of a two-channel charge Kondo circuit:
Role of electron-electron interactions in a quantum point contact,
Physical Review B 105, L121405 (Letter) [PDF]
Andrei I. Pavlov and M.N. Kiselev (2021):
Quantum thermal transport in the charged Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model:
Thermoelectric Coulomb blockade,
Physical Review B 103, L201107 (Letter) [PDF] , Supplemental Materials [PDF]
D.B. Karki and M.N. Kiselev (2021):
Overscreened Kondo problem with large spin and large number of orbital channels:
two distinct semiclassical limits in quantum transport observables,
Physical Review B 103, L201402 (Letter) [PDF]
D.B. Karki and M.N. Kiselev (2020):
Quantum thermoelectric and heat transport in overscreened Kondo regime:
Exact conformal field theory results,
Physical Review B 102, 241402(R) [PDF]
T.K.T. Nguyen and M.N. Kiselev (2020):
Quantum transport through a "charge" Kondo circuit:
effects of weak repulsive interaction in Luttinger Liquid,
Communications in Physics, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 1-10 [PDF]
T.K.T. Nguyen and M.N. Kiselev (2020):
Thermoelectric Transport in a Three-Channel Charge Kondo Circuit,
Physical Review Letters 125, 026801 [PDF]
Supplemental Material [PDF]
A.V. Parafilo, L.Y. Gorelik, M.N. Kiselev, H.C. Park and R.I. Shekhter (2019):
Kondo effect in Aharonov-Casher interferometer,
Physical Review B 100, 235413 [PDF]
D. B. Karki and M. N. Kiselev (2019):
Nonlinear Seebeck Effect of SU(N) Kondo impurity,
Physical Review B 100, 125426 [PDF]
D. B. Karki and M. N. Kiselev (2019):
Effects of strong electron interactions and resonant scattering
on power output of nano-devices,
Physical Review B 100, 195425 [PDF]
D. B. Karki and M. N. Kiselev (2018):
Full Counting Statistics of the Two-Stage Kondo Effect,
Physical Review B 98, 165443 [PDF]
A. V. Parafilo and M. N. Kiselev (2018):
Landau-Zener Transitions and Rabi Oscillations in a Cooper-Pair Box: Beyond Two-Level Models,
Low Temperature Physics 44 (12), 1692 [PDF]
J.P.L. Faye, M.N. Kiselev, P. Ram, B. Kumar and D. Senechal (2018):
Phase diagram of the Hubbard-Kondo lattice model from variational cluster approximation,
Physical Review B 97, 235151 [PDF]
D. B. Karki, Christophe Mora, Jan von Delft and Mikhail N. Kiselev (2018):
Two-color Fermi liquid theory for transport through a multilevel Kondo impurity,
Physical Review B 97, 195403 [PDF]
T. K. T. Nguyen and M. N. Kiselev (2018):
Seebeck effect on a weak link between Fermi and non-Fermi liquids,
Physical Review B 97, 085403 [PDF]
A. V. Parafilo and M. N. Kiselev (2018):
Tunable RKKY interaction in a double quantum dot nanoelectromechanical device,
Physical Review B 97, 035418 [PDF]
D. B. Karki and Mikhail N. Kiselev (2017): Thermoelectric transport through SU(N) Kondo impurity,
Physical Review B 96, 121403(R) [PDF],
Supplementary Materials [PDF] 2016 Lode Pollet, Mikhail N. Kiselev, Nikolay V. Prokof'ev and Boris V. Svistunov (2016): Grassamannization of classical models, New Journal of Physics 18, 113025 [PDF] A. V. Parafilo, S. I. Kulinich, L. Y. Gorelik, M. N. Kiselev, R. I. Shekhter, M. Jonson (2016): Spin mediated photo-mechanical coupling of a nanoelectromechanical shuttle, Physical Review Letters 117, 057202 [PDF] M. N. Kiselev, D.V. Efremov, S. L. Drechsler, Jeroen van den Brink and
K. Kikoin, (2016): Coupled multiple-mode theory for s_{\pm} pairing mechanism in iron
based superconductors, Scientific Reports (Nature Group),
Sci. Rep. 6, 37508; doi: 10.1038/srep37508 [PDF] A.
Shnirman, A. Saha, I.S. Burmistrov, M.N. Kiselev, A.Altland and Y.
Gefen, (2016): U(1) and
SU(2) quantum dissipative systems: The Caldeira-Leggett vs. the
Amegaokar-Eckern-Schoen approaches, Special
issue of JETP (Leonid Keldysh 85-th festschrift) JETP 149 (3), 666-677, [PDF]
2015 T.K.T.
Nguyen, and M.N. Kiselev (2015): Protection
of a non-Fermi liquid by spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B 92,
045125 [PDF]
T. Song,
L.Y. Gorelik, R.I. Shekhter, M.N. Kiselev, and K. Kikoin (2015):
Shuttle-promoted nano-mechanical current switch, Applied Physics
Letters 107, 123104 [PDF]
Supplementary materials [PDF] A.
Shnirman, Y. Gefen, A. Saha, I.S. Burmistrov, M.N. Kiselev, A.Altland
(2015): Geometric
quantum noise of spin, Physical Review Letters 114, 176806 [PDF]
Supplemental Material [PDF] 2014 M. Hanl,
A. Weichelbaum, J. von Delft, and M. Kiselev (2014): Equilibrium
Fermi-liquid constants for the fully screened N-channel Kondo model, Physical
Review B 89, 195131 [PDF]
Yao, Karine P. C. da Costa, Mikhail Kiselev, and Nikolay Prokof’ev
(2014): Critical
Exponents of the Superfluid-Bose-Glass Transition in Three-Dimensions,
Review Letters 112, 225301 [PDF]
R. I.
Shekhter, L. Y. Gorelik, I. V. Krive, M. N. Kiselev, S. I. Kulinich,
A. V. Parafilo, K. Kikoin, and M. Jonson (2014): Electronic
spin working mechanically, Low Temperature Physics 40 vol 7, pp.
775-792 [PDF]
Song, T.,
Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K.A., Shekhter, R.I., Gorelik, L.Y. (2014):
Self-sustained oscillations in nanoelectromechanical systems induced
by Kondo resonance, New
Journal of Physics 16, 033043 [PDF]