To see complete list of publications click here




T. K. T. Nguyen, T. B. Cao, T. A. Chu, T. L. H. Nguyen, H. Q. Nguyen and M. N. Kiselev (2024):

Effects of asymmetry in Kondo channels on thermoelectric efficiency,

Communications in Physics, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 317-332 [PDF]


D. V. Efremov, Weyner Ccuiro, Luis E. F. Foa Torres, and M. N. Kiselev (2024):

Breaking of Lorentz invariance caused by the interplay between spin-orbit interaction and transverse phonon modes in quantum wires,

arXiv: 2407.08613 [PDF]


T. K. T. Nguyen, H. Q. Nguyen, M. N. Kiselev (2024):

Thermoelectric transport across a tunnel contact between two charge Kondo circuits: Beyond perturbation theory,

Physical Review B 109, 115139 [PDF]




M. N. Kiselev (2023):

Generalized Wiedemann-Franz law in a two-site charge Kondo circuit: Lorenz ratio as a manifestation of the orthogonality catastrophe,

Physical Review B 108, L081108 (Letter) [PDF] , extended version in ArXiv: 2304.10872 [PDF]


T. K. T. Nguyen, A. V. Parafilo, H. Q. Nguyen, and M. N. Kiselev (2023):

Charge Kondo circuit as a detector for electron-electron interactions in a Luttinger Liquid,

Physical Review B 107, L201402 (Letter) [PDF], Supplemental Materials [PDF]


H. Lorenz, S. Kohler, A. Parafilo, M. Kiselev, and S. Ludwig (2023):

Classical analogue to driven quantum bits based on macroscopic pendula,

Scientific Reports (Nature Group), Sci. Rep. 13, 18386 [PDF], Supplemental Materials [PDF] , Movie [MP4], arXiv: 2207.09296 [PDF]




T.K.T. Nguyen and M.N. Kiselev (2022):

Heat conductance oscillations in two weakly connected charge Kondo circuits,

Communications in Physics, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 331-342 [PDF]


D.V. Efremov and M.N. Kiselev (2022):

Seven Etudes on dynamical Keldysh model,

SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes 65 [PDF], extended version [PDF]


D.B. Karki, A.I. Pavlov and M.N. Kiselev (2022):

Multistage Kondo effect in a multiterminal geometry: A modular quantum interferometer,

Physical Review B 105, L041410 (Letter) [PDF], Supplemental Materials [PDF]


A.V. Parafilo, T.K.T. Nguyen and M.N. Kiselev (2022):

Thermoelectrics of a two-channel charge Kondo circuit: Role of electron-electron interactions in a quantum point contact,

Physical Review B 105, L121405 (Letter) [PDF]




Andrei I. Pavlov and M.N. Kiselev (2021):

Quantum thermal transport in the charged Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model: Thermoelectric Coulomb blockade,

Physical Review B 103, L201107 (Letter) [PDF] , Supplemental Materials [PDF]


D.B. Karki and M.N. Kiselev (2021):

Overscreened Kondo problem with large spin and large number of orbital channels:

two distinct semiclassical limits in quantum transport observables, Physical Review B 103, L201402 (Letter) [PDF]




D.B. Karki and M.N. Kiselev (2020):

Quantum thermoelectric and heat transport in overscreened Kondo regime: Exact conformal field theory results,

Physical Review B 102, 241402(R) [PDF]


T.K.T. Nguyen and M.N. Kiselev (2020):

Quantum transport through a "charge" Kondo circuit: effects of weak repulsive interaction in Luttinger Liquid,

Communications in Physics, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 1-10 [PDF]


T.K.T. Nguyen and M.N. Kiselev (2020):

Thermoelectric Transport in a Three-Channel Charge Kondo Circuit, Physical Review Letters 125, 026801 [PDF]

Supplemental Material [PDF]




A.V. Parafilo, L.Y. Gorelik, M.N. Kiselev, H.C. Park and R.I. Shekhter (2019):

Kondo effect in Aharonov-Casher interferometer, Physical Review B 100, 235413 [PDF]


D. B. Karki and M. N. Kiselev (2019):

Nonlinear Seebeck Effect of SU(N) Kondo impurity, Physical Review B 100, 125426 [PDF]


D. B. Karki and M. N. Kiselev (2019):

Effects of strong electron interactions and resonant scattering on power output of nano-devices,

Physical Review B 100, 195425 [PDF]




D. B. Karki and M. N. Kiselev (2018):

Full Counting Statistics of the Two-Stage Kondo Effect, Physical Review B 98, 165443 [PDF]


A. V. Parafilo and M. N. Kiselev (2018):

Landau-Zener Transitions and Rabi Oscillations in a Cooper-Pair Box: Beyond Two-Level Models,

Low Temperature Physics 44 (12), 1692 [PDF]


J.P.L. Faye, M.N. Kiselev, P. Ram, B. Kumar and D. Senechal (2018):

Phase diagram of the Hubbard-Kondo lattice model from variational cluster approximation,

Physical Review B 97, 235151 [PDF]


D. B. Karki, Christophe Mora, Jan von Delft and Mikhail N. Kiselev (2018):

Two-color Fermi liquid theory for transport through a multilevel Kondo impurity,

Physical Review B 97, 195403 [PDF]


T. K. T. Nguyen and M. N. Kiselev (2018):

Seebeck effect on a weak link between Fermi and non-Fermi liquids,

Physical Review B 97, 085403 [PDF]


A. V. Parafilo and M. N. Kiselev (2018):

Tunable RKKY interaction in a double quantum dot nanoelectromechanical device,

Physical Review B 97, 035418 [PDF]





Anil Adhikari and Mikhail Kiselev (2017):

Landau-Zener Interferometry with Ultra-Cold Atoms. Monograph. 52 p.

Lambert Academic Publishing.

ISBN: 978-3-659-86572-5




D. B. Karki and Mikhail N. Kiselev (2017):

Thermoelectric transport through SU(N) Kondo impurity,

Physical Review B 96, 121403(R) [PDF], Supplementary Materials [PDF]




Lode Pollet, Mikhail N. Kiselev, Nikolay V. Prokof'ev and Boris V. Svistunov (2016):

Grassamannization of classical models, New Journal of Physics 18, 113025 [PDF]


A. V. Parafilo, S. I. Kulinich, L. Y. Gorelik, M. N. Kiselev, R. I. Shekhter, M. Jonson (2016):

Spin mediated photo-mechanical coupling of a nanoelectromechanical shuttle,

Physical Review Letters 117, 057202 [PDF]


M. N. Kiselev, D.V. Efremov, S. L. Drechsler, Jeroen van den Brink and K. Kikoin, (2016):

Coupled multiple-mode theory for s_{\pm} pairing mechanism in iron based superconductors,

Scientific Reports (Nature Group), Sci. Rep. 6, 37508; doi: 10.1038/srep37508 [PDF]


A. Shnirman, A. Saha, I.S. Burmistrov, M.N. Kiselev, A.Altland and Y. Gefen, (2016):

U(1) and SU(2) quantum dissipative systems: The Caldeira-Leggett vs. the Amegaokar-Eckern-Schoen approaches,

Special issue of JETP (Leonid Keldysh 85-th festschrift) JETP 149 (3), 666-677, [PDF]





T.K.T. Nguyen, and M.N. Kiselev (2015):

Protection of a non-Fermi liquid by spin-orbit interaction, Physical Review B 92, 045125 [PDF] 


T. Song, L.Y. Gorelik, R.I. Shekhter, M.N. Kiselev, and K. Kikoin (2015):

Shuttle-promoted nano-mechanical current switch, Applied Physics Letters 107, 123104 [PDF]

Supplementary materials [PDF]


A. Shnirman, Y. Gefen, A. Saha, I.S. Burmistrov, M.N. Kiselev, A.Altland (2015):

Geometric quantum noise of spin, Physical Review Letters 114, 176806 [PDF]

Supplemental Material [PDF]





M. Hanl, A. Weichelbaum, J. von Delft, and M. Kiselev (2014):

Equilibrium Fermi-liquid constants for the fully screened N-channel Kondo model,

Physical Review B 89, 195131 [PDF] 


Zhiyuan Yao, Karine P. C. da Costa, Mikhail Kiselev, and Nikolay Prokof’ev (2014):

Critical Exponents of the Superfluid-Bose-Glass Transition in Three-Dimensions,

Physical Review Letters 112, 225301 [PDF] 


R. I. Shekhter, L. Y. Gorelik, I. V. Krive, M. N. Kiselev, S. I. Kulinich, A. V. Parafilo, K. Kikoin, and M. Jonson (2014):

Electronic spin working mechanically, Low Temperature Physics 40 vol 7, pp. 775-792 [PDF] 


Song, T., Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K.A., Shekhter, R.I., Gorelik, L.Y. (2014):

Self-sustained oscillations in nanoelectromechanical systems induced by Kondo resonance,

New Journal of Physics 16, 033043 [PDF] 





Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K.A. and Kenmoe, M.B.  (2013): SU(3) Landau-Zener Interferometry,

Europhysics Letters 104, 57004 [PDF] 


Shekhter, R.I., Gorelik, L.Y., Krive, I.V., Kiselev, M.N., Parafilo, A.V., and Jonson, M. (2013):

Nanoelectromechanics of shuttle devices, Nanoelectromechanical Systems, 1, 1-25, [PDF]


Kenmoe, M.B, Phien, H.N., Kiselev, M.N., and Fai, L.C.  (2013): Effects of colored noise on Landau-Zener

Transitions: Two and Three-Level Systems, Physical Review B 87, 224301 [PDF]  

Kiselev, M.N, Kikoin, K.A., Gorelik, L.Y., and Shekhter, R.I. (2013): Kondo Force in Shuttling Devices:
Dynamical Probe for a Kondo Cloud, Physical Review Letters 110, 066804 [PDF],
Supplemental Materials [PDF]




Burmistrov, I.S., Gefen, Y., Kiselev, M.N. (2012): Exact solution for spin and charge correlations in quantum dots:

Effect of level fluctuations and Zeeman splitting, Physical Review B 85, 155311 [PDF]



Kikoin, Konstantin, Kiselev, Mikhail, and Avishai, Yshai. (2012): Dynamical Symmetries for Nanostructures. Implicit Symmetries in Single-Electron Transport Through Real and Artificial Molecules. Monograph. 352 p. Springer. Wien-New York.

ISBN: 978-3-211-99724-6






Soyler, S.G., Kiselev, M.N., Prokof'ev, N.B., and Svistunov, B.V. (2011): Phase Diagram of Commensurate Two-Dimensional Disordered Bose-Hubbard Model, Physical Review Letters 107, 185301  [PDF]


Abah, O., Kiselev, M.N. (2011): Thermodynamic properties of the superconductivity in quasi-two-dimensional Dirac electronic systems. Eur. Phys. J B 82, 47-52 [PDF]


Nissan-Cohen, B., Gefen, Y., Kiselev, M.N., and Lerner, I.V. (2011): The Interplay of Charge and Spin in Quantum Dots: The Ising Case, Physical Review B 84, 075307 [PDF]





Aristov, D.N., Brueunger, C., Assaad, F.F., Kiselev, M.N, Weichselbaum, A., Capponi, S.,  and Alet, F. (2010): Asymmetric Spin-1/2 two-leg ladders: Analytical studies supported by exact diagonalization, DMRG and Monte Carlo simulations, Physical Review B 82, 174410 [PDF]


Nguyen, T.K.T, Kiselev, M.N, Kravtsov, V.E. (2010): Thermoelectric Transport through a Quantum Dot: Effects of Asymmetry in Kondo Channels, Physical Review B 82, 113306 [PDF]


Burmistrov, I.S., Gefen, Y., Kiselev, M.N. (2010): Spin and Charge Correlations in Quantum Dots: An Exact Solution, Pis’ma v ZhETF, vol. 92, iss. 3, pp. 202-207, [PDF], Supplementary materials [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K., Richert, J. (2010): Kondo effect in Complex Quantum Dots in the presence of an oscillating and fluctuating gate signal, Physical Review B 81, 115330 [PDF]





Kikoin, K., Kiselev, M.N., Richert, J. (2009):  Quantum tunnelling through moving Kondo objects.  Physica Status Solidi (c) 6, No. 9, 2024 – 2028 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K. (2009): Scalar and vector Keldysh models in the time domain.

JETP Letters, 89 (3), 133-138 [PDF] extended version in arXiv:0901.2246v1 [PDF]


Kikoin, K., Kiselev, M.N. (2009): Spin and Charge Necklaces at Commensurate Filling. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)  150, 042089 [PDF]





Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K., Richert, J. (2008):  Conversion of charge input into Kondo response. pp.1-4. Submitted to Physical Review Letters, arXiv:0803.2676v2 [PDF]


Brünger,C., Assaad, F.F.,  Capponi, S.,  Alet, F.,   Aristov, D.N., and Kiselev, M.N. (2008): Spin gap and string order parameter in the ferromagnetic Spiral Staircase Heisenberg Ladder: a quantum Monte Carlo study. Physical Review Letters 100, 017202  [PDF]





Kikoin, K., and Kiselev, M.N. (2007): Phonon-assisted magnetic field induced Kondo tunnelling in single molecular devices. pp.1-7. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS),  92 (2007) 012033

[PDF], extended version in arXiv:0711.4033v1 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N. (2007): Dynamical Symmetries and Transport through Nanostructures. Physica Status Solidi (c), 4 No 9, 3362-3373. [PDF]


Kikoin, K.A, Kiselev, M.N., and  Avishai, Y.(2007): Dynamical Symmetries in Nanophysics. Nanotechnology Research Journal .Vol 1, pp. 31-78 [PDF]


Aristov, D.N., Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K. (2007): Single-pole ladder at quarter filling. Physical Review B 75, 224405 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K., Wegewijs, M.R. (2007): Kondo effect in organometallic complexes with vibrating ligand shells. Proceedings of ICM2006. Journal of Magn. and Magn. Materials 310, 2414-2416 [PDF]




Schröer, D.M., Hüttel, A.K., Eberl, K., Ludwig, S., Kiselev, M.N., and Altshuler, B.L. (2006): Kondo effect in a one-electron double quantum dot: Oscillations of the Kondo current in a weak magnetic field. Physical Review B 74, 233301 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K., Shekhter, R.I., and Vinokur, V.M. (2006): Kondo Shuttling in Nanolelectromechanical Single-Electron Transistor. Physical Review B 74, 233403 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K., Avishai, Y., and Richert, J. (2006): Decoherence and Dephasing in Kondo Tunneling through Double Quantum Dots. Physical Review B 74, 115306 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N. (2006): Semi-fermionic representation for spin systems under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. International Journal of Modern Physics B (invited review).  Vol. 20,  No. 4, 381-421, cond-mat/0601338  [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Gefen, Y. (2006): The Interplay of Spin and Charge Channels in Zero Dimensional Systems. Physical Review Letters 96, 066805 [PDF]


Kikoin, K., Kiselev, M.N., and Wegewijs, M.R. (2006): Vibration-induced Kondo tunneling through metal-organic complexes with even electron occupation number. Physical Review Letters 96,  176801 [PDF]


Kikoin, K., Kiselev, M.N. (2006): Kondo Lattice without Nozieres Exhaustion Effect. EuroPhysics Letters 74, No. 6, 1053-1059 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Gefen, Y. (2006): Transverse Spin Fluctuations in Metallic Quantum Dots. Proceedings of SCES-2005 Conference, Vienna 2005. Physica B 378-380, 947-948 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K. (2006): Anisotropic Kondo Lattice without Nozieres Exhaustion Effect. Proceedings of SCES-2005 Conference, Vienna 2005. Physica B 378-380, 708-709 [PDF]


Kikoin, K.A, Kiselev, M.N., and  Avishai, Y.(2006): Dynamical Symmetries in Nanophysics. pp.39-86, in Nanophysics, Nanoclusters and Nanodevices, Editor: Kimberly S. Gehar, NOVA Science Publisher, New York, USA, ISBN: 1-59454-852-8 [PDF]




Scheibner, R., Buhmann, H., Reuter, D., Kiselev, M.N., and Molenkamp L.W. (2005): Thermopower of a Kondo Spin-Correlated Quantum Dot. Physical Review Letters 95, 176602 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Aristov, D.N., and Kikoin K.A. (2005): Spin Gap in a Spiral Staircase Model. Proceedings of SCES-2004 Conference, Karlsruhe 2004. Physica B 359-361, 1406-1408 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Aristov, D.N., and Kikoin, K. (2005): Spin gap in chains with hidden symmetries. Physical Review B 71, 092404 [PDF]




Aristov, D.N. and Kiselev, M.N. (2004): Ferrimagnetic mixed-spin ladders in weak and strong coupling limits. Physical Review B 70, 224402 [PDF]


Oppermann, R., Sherrington, D. and Kiselev, M.N. (2004): Modulated replica symmetry breaking schemes for antiferromagnetic spin glasses. Eur. Phys.J B 137, 187-192 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K.A and Molenkamp, L.W. (2004): Nonequilibrium Kondo effect in Double Quantum Dot. Journal of Magn. and Magn. Materials 272-276, 1676-1677.[PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K.A . (2004): Correlations between Kondo clouds in nearly antiferromagnetic Kondo lattices. Journal of Magn. and Magn. Materials 272-276, e23-e24. [PDF]


Gui, Y.G., Becker, C.R., Liu, L., König, M., Daumer, V., Kiselev, M.N., Buhmann, H., and Molenkamp, L.W. (2004):  Current heating of a magnetic 2DEG in HgMnTe/HgCdTe quantum wells. Physical Review B 70, 195328  [PDF]


Kikoin, K, Avishai, Y and Kiselev, M.N. (2004): Explicit and Hidden Symmetries in Complex Quantum Dots and Quantum Ladders. Molecular Nanoviers and other Quantum Objects (A.S.Alexandrov et al eds.), 177-189 [PDF] cond-mat/0309606 [PDF]




Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K.A and Molenkamp, L.W. (2003): Resonance Kondo tunneling through a double quantum dot at finite bias. Physical Review B 68, 155323 [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K.A and Molenkamp, L.W. (2003): Dynamically induced Kondo effect in Double Quantum Dot. JETP Letters 77, 366-370. [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N. (2003): Semi-fermionic approach for quantum spin systems. Invited selected talk at Theoretical Physics 2002 (TH-2002, Paris) Conference. Proceedings TH2002 Supplement, pp. 155-180, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.[PDF]




Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K. and Oppermann, R. (2002): Ginzburg-Landau functional for nearly antiferromagnetic perfect and disordered Kondo lattices. Physical Review B 65, 184410.[PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Kikoin, K. (2002): Spin correlations in Kondo lattices. Physica B 312-313, 169- 170.[PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Oppermann, R. (2002): Screening effects in Kondo lattices with quenched disorder. Physica B 312-313 167 - 168.[PDF]




Kiselev, M.N., Aristov, D.N. (2001): Functional Bosonization for Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains.

Lecture given at Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel). pp 1-21. Preprint WIS, LMU-ASC 37/05. [PDF] file is available by request.


Kiselev, M.N., Feldmann, H., Oppermann, R. (2001): Semi-fermionic representation of SU(N) Hamiltonians. Eur.Phys. J B22, 53-63.[PDF]




Kiselev, M.N., Oppermann, R. and Sherrington, D. (2000): Competing phases in a dilute magnetic semiconductor layer model with magnetic polaron formation. In book dedicated to the 60-th birthday of Franz J. Wegner, pp.1 - 20. [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Oppermann, R. (2000): Schwinger-Keldysh semionic approach for quantum spin systems. Physical Review Letters 85, 5631 - 5635. [PDF]


Bouis, F., Kiselev, M.N., Onufrieva, F. and Pfeuty, P., (2000): Various ordered states in a 2D interacting electron system close to electronic topological transition. Physica B 284-288, 677 - 678. [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Bouis, F., Onufrieva, F. and  Pfeuty, P.,(2000): Some consequences of electronic topological transition in 2D system on a square lattice: Excitonic ordered states. Eur. Phys. J. B 16, 601-611.[PDF]


Kiselev, M.N., Oppermann, R., (2000): Spin-glass transition in Kondo lattice with quenched disorder. JETP Lett 71, 359 - 365. [PDF]




Kiselev, M.N., Bouis, F., (1999): Comment on "Theory of Unconventional Spin Density Wave: A possible Mechanism of the Micromagnetism in U-based Heavy Fermion Compounds". Physical Review Letters 82, 5172.[PDF]


Kikoin,  K.A.,  Kiselev,  M.N.,  Mishchenko, A.S. and  De Visser,  A. (1999): Thermodynamics of CeNiSn at low temperature and in weak magnetic field. Physical Review B 59, 15 070 - 15084.[PDF]


Onufrieva, F., Pfeuty, P. and Kiselev, M. (1999): New scenario for High- Tc Cuprates: Electronic Topological Transition as a Motor for Anomalies in the Underdoped Regime. Physical Review Letters 82, 2370 - 2373.[PDF]


Bouis, F. and  Kiselev, M.N. (1999): Effective action for the Kondo lattice model. New approach for S=1/2. Physica B 259-261, 195 - 197.[PDF]


Kiselev, M.N. and Kikoin, K.A. (1999): Critical dynamics of Heisenberg antiferromagnets: correlation functions above Neel point. Physica B 259-261, 913-915.[PDF]


Kikoin, K.A.,  Kiselev, M.N.,  Mishchenko, A.S. and  De Visser, A. (1999): Thermodynamics of CeNiSn at low temperature and in weak magnetic field. Physica B 259-261, 296-297.[PDF]




Onufrieva, F.P., Pfeuty, P. and  Kiselev, M.N. (1998): Electronic topological transition in 2D electron system on a square lattice as a motor for the "strange-metal" behaviour in high - Tc  cuprates. J.Phys. and Chem. of Solids. Vol. 59, 1853-1857. [PDF]


Kiselev, M.N. and Mishchenko, A.S. (1998): Paramagnetic labeling as a method for the soft spectroscopy of electronic states, Soviet JETP 86, 1008-1019.[PDF]




Kikoin, K.A., Kiselev, M.N. (1997): Spin diffusion and relaxation in 3D isotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets., Soviet JETP 85, 994-1000.[PDF]


Kikoin, K.A., Kiselev, M.N. and Mishchenko, A.S. (1997): Spin liquid in an almost antiferromagnetic Kondo - lattice., Soviet JETP 85, 399-414.[PDF]


Kikoin, K.A., Kiselev, M.N. and Mishchenko, A.S. (1997): Spin liquid in 3D Kondo lattice. High temperature regime,  Physica B  230-232, 490-492.[PDF]




Kikoin, K.A., Kiselev, M.N. and Mishchenko, A.S. (1996): Elementary excitations in Kondo - systems CeNiSn and CeRhSb, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 1899-1900.[PDF]




Kikoin, K.A., Kiselev, M.N. and Mishchenko, A.S. (1995):  On the spin origin of heavy fermions in rare-earth intermetallides., Physica B  206-207, 129-131.[PDF]




Kiselev, M.N. (1994): Excitonic instability and origin of the Mid-Gap States., Physica C 235-240, 2325-2326.[PDF]


Kikoin, K.A., Kiselev, M.N. and Mishchenko, A.S. (1994): Mechanism for stabilization of a spin liquid in a Kondo lattice, JETP Letters 60, 600 - 604. [PDF]


Babichenko, V.S. and Kiselev, M.N. (1994):  On the Excitonic Mechanism of Superconductivity, Physica C  209, 133 - 136.[PDF]




Babichenko, V.S. and Kiselev, M.N. (1993):  Doping induced exciton transition,  JETP Lett. 57, 179 - 184. [PDF]





Babichenko, V.S. and Kiselev, M.N. (1992):  Superconductivity in systems with excitonic instability, Journal of Moscow Phys. Soc. 2, 311 - 332.[PDF]