Turbulent Mixing and BeyondSecond International Conference and Advanced School27 July - 07 August, 2009The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy ![]() |
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ProgramThe Book of Abstracts of TMB-2009 has been published, ISBN 92095003-41.1. The Outline of Round Tables held at TMB-2009 is available HERE. Electronic version of the Program of TMB-2009 can be found HERE. List of presenters of TMB-2009 is available HERE (in alphabetic order).
HERE (in alphabetic order) and HERE (grouped by TMB themes). Turbulent Mixing and Beyond Presentations are linked to the last names of presenters. You are required to contact presenters regarding citation of their works and refer to the TMB-2009 whenever you use the presentation materials. 27 July 2009, Monday 9.30 – 9.55 Welcome from TMB & ICTP
Theme: Wall–bounded flows Session Chair: Serge Gauthier
9.55 – 10.30 Invariant solutions and state–space dynamics in wall–bounded flows Predrag Cvitanović, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA10.30 – 11.00 break Theme: Material science, Combustion Session Chair: Snezhana I. Abarzhi
11.00 –
11.25 Molecular dynamic simulations of
hydrodynamic instabilities 11.25 –
11.45 Experimental, theoretical and
numerical investigation into Richtmyer–Meshkov instability in condensed matter Inna Myshkina, Russian Federal
Nuclear Center – VNIIEF, Russia 11.45 –
12.30 Development of the ReaxFF
reactive force fields and applications to combustion (tutorial) Adri van Duin, Penn State University, USA 12.30–14.00 lunch Session Chair: Malcolm Andrews
14.00 – 14.25 Turbulence modeling and Large Eddy
Simulations for shock–induced instability and transition to turbulence Dimitris Drikakis 14.25 – 15.00 High–order WENO simulation of shock vortex interactions Chi–Wang Shu 15.00 – 15.25 Numerical simulations of the development
of regular local perturbations and turbulent mixing behind a shock wave for
various shock wave strengths Yuri Yanilkin 15.25 – 16.00 Variable–density Rayleigh–Taylor turbulence Daniel Livescu 16.00 – 16.30 break
Theme: Canonical turbulence and turbulent
mixing 16.30 – 16.55 Non–standard homogenization theory for
transport by a strong mean flow and periodic fluctuations Adnan Khan 16.55 – 17.30 Examination of Kolmogorov’s idea of
universality in turbulence by computational approaches Yukio Kaneda 17.30 – 17.55 Effect of helicity and rotation on the free decay of
turbulent flows Tomas Teitelbaum 17.55 – 18.30 Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics from
high resolution numerical simulations of weakly compressible turbulence Luca Biferale 28 July 2009, Tuesday Theme: Geophysics and Earth science 8.30 – 9.15 Anisotropic large–scale circulations and
transport and zonostrophic turbulence (tutorial) Boris Galperin 9.15 –
10.00 A quasi–normal theory of
turbulence and its applications in geophysical fluid dynamics (tutorial) Semion Sukoriansky 10.00 – 10.30 break Themes: Non–equilibrium processes, Magneto–hydrodynamics, Experimental
Diagnostics Session Chair: Katsunobu Nishihara 10.30 –
11.05 On the limits of Navier–Stokes
theory and kinetic extensions for gaseous hydrodynamics Nicolas
Hadjiconstantinou 11.05 – 11.40 Recent results on magneto–hydrodynamic turbulence Stanislav Boldyrev 11.40 – 12.20 Cryogenic techniques applied to fluid turbulence (tutorial) Joseph J. Niemela 12.30 – 14.00 lunch Themes: Mathematical aspects of non–equilibrium dynamics, Canonical turbulence and turbulent mixing, Stochastic processes and probabilistic description Session Chair: Alexander Nepomnyashchy 14.00 - 14.25 Clustering of inertial particles in free jetsCarlo Massimo Casciola, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy 14.25 – 15.00 Quantum and classical turbulence in superfluids Victor L'vov 15.00 – 15.25 Evidence of turbulence power laws from image data Patrick Heas 15.25 – 16.00 Fluctuations of dissipation scale and
turbulent mixing Victor Yakhot 16.00 – 16.25 break Themes: Mathematical aspects of non–equilibrium dynamics, Canonical turbulence and turbulent mixing, Stochastic processes and probabilistic description Session Chair: Alexander Klimenko 16.25 – 17.00 Lagrangian approach to weakly nonlinear stability of an elliptical
flow Yasuhide Fukumoto 17.00 – 17.25 Vortex dynamics in turbulent flows: a Lagrangian viewpoint Andrea Scagliarini 17.25 –
18.00 Conditional strain rates
along gradient trajectories from various scalar fields in turbulence Lipo Wang 18.00 – 18.30 Analyzing transient turbulence in a
stenosed carotid artery by proper orthogonal decomposition Alexander Yakhot 19.00 – 21.00 Reception 29 July 2009, Wednesday Theme: Magneto–hydrodynamics Session Chair: Ralph Pudritz 8.30 – 9.15 Laboratory experiment on colliding plasmas Walter Gekelman 9.15 – 10.05 Nonlinear gyrokinetics: A powerful
tool for the description of microturbulence in magnetized plasmas John A. Krommes (tutorial) 10.05 – 10.30 break Theme: Stochastic processes and probabilistic description Session Chair: Sergei Fedotov 10.30 – 11.15 Fractional kinetics (tutorial) Alexander
Nepomnyashchy Technion – Israel
Institute of Technology, Israel 11.15 – 11.55 What can be simulated by using particles with mixing and
competition? Alexander Y.
Klimenko 11.55 – 12.35 Hybrid stochastic–statistical strategies
in climate science Andrew Majda 12.35 – 14.00 lunch Themes: Interfacial dynamics, Experimental diagnostics Session Chair: Sergei S. Orlov 14.00 – 14.35 A PDF of molecular mix measurements in
high Schmidt number Rayleigh–Taylor turbulence Malcolm J. Andrews 14.35 – 15.10 Dispersion of liquid drops under effect
of an air shock wave with intensity from 0.2 atm to up to 42 atm Nikolay
Nevmerzhitsky Russia 15.10 – 16.00 Holographic optical diagnostics of fluid flows (tutorial) George
Barbastathis 16.00 – 16.20 break Theme: Astrophysics Session Chair: Stanislav Boldyrev 16.20 – 16.55 Applications of Braid theory in vortex dynamics and in solar astrophysics Mitchell Berger 16.55 – 17.30 Ambipolar diffusion drifts and dynamos in turbulent gases Ellen Zweibel 17.30 – 17.55 Turbulent instabilities in the interstellar medium Robin Williams 17.55 – 18.30 Transport in hydro–magnetic turbulence and dynamos Axel Brandenburg 30 July 2009, Thursday Themes: Experimental diagnostics, High–performance computing and cyber–infrastructure Session Chair: Walter Gekelman 8.30 – 9.15 New technologies for fluid dynamics
experiments and advanced optical
diagnostics (tutorial) Sergei S. Orlov, Stanford
University & InPhase Tech., Inc., USA 9.15 – 10.00 Visualizing peta–scale data sets with
VisIt Henry R. Childs, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
& University of California at Davis, USA 10.00 – 10.30 break Themes: Experimental diagnostics, Interfacial dynamics, Canonical plasmas Session Chair: Katherine P. Prestridge 10.30 – 11.05 Experimental study of compressible turbulent mixing Kazuyoshi Takayama Japan 11.05 – 11.30 ICF–related Richtmyer–Meshkov instability:
Mach 10experiments Devesh Ranjan 11.30-11.55 Shock-tube investigations of the instability of a two-gas interface accelerated by a shock wave Evgeny E. Meshkov (talk given by Oleg Ol'khov),
Russian Federal Nuclear Center - VNIIEF, Russia 11.55 – 12.30 Instabilities and turbulent mixing in
electro–hydrodynamics Eduard Son 12.30 – 14.00 lunch Themes: Advanced numerical simulations Session Chair: David L. Youngs 14.00 – 14.25 A turbulent mixing Reynolds stress model
fitted to match linear interaction: analysis predictions Jerome Griffond 14.25 – 14.50 The three–dimensional multimode Richtmyer–Meshkov instability B. Thornber 14.50 – 15.15 Comparison of different approaches to
shock–capturing turbulent flow simulations Asiya Guzhova 15.15 – 15.40 Rayleigh–Taylor instability with localized perturbations Robin Williams 15.40 – 16.05 Freak waves and modulational instability in ocean
Vladimir E. Zakharov (talk given by Victor L'vov), Uni Arizona, USA & Lebedev Inst. Physical Sciences, Russia 16.05 – 16.30 break 16.30 – 18.30 Round Table - I Open discussion. Some of the questions to discuss include: - What are "canonical" and "non-canonical" (non-equilibrium) turbulent flows: their similarity and distinctions, and connections of TMB-related problems to well-established fields and problems - What would be the "model" problem [deep enough and specific enough] to consider and to be useful in a variety of TMB-related themes? - What might be qualitative criteria to estimate the quality and information capacity of experimental and numerical data sets and to evaluate predictive capabilities of theories and models? - Collaborative computing environment: opportunities offered by modern technologies for data sharing, annotation, transfer, analysis, visualization? Cyber-physical systems? Cyber-infrastructure? - Any question that you consider as important for your research and your field.31 July 2009, Friday Themes: Advanced numerical simulations, Canonical plasmas, Interfacial dynamics Session Chair: Bedros Afeyan 8.30 – 8.55 Numerical simulations of turbulent flow through a fine screen Alexander Shklyar, The Volcani
Center, Israel 8.55 – 9.30 Controlled study of ionospheric plasma
turbulence in radio–wave injection experiments Min–Chang Lee Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 9.30 – 9.55 Shock wave instability with interaction of the
shock wave with a region of lowered density in a glow discharge column Alexander Baryshnikov 9.55 – 10.30 Oscillation and pinching phenomenon in
the Rayleigh–Taylor and Richtmyer–Meshkov instabilities with surface tension Chihiro Matsuoka 10.20 – 11.00 break 10.30 –
12.30 Poster Session - I 12.30 – 14.00 lunch Themes: Interfacial dynamics, Non–equilibrium processes, High energy density physics Session Chair: Giora Hazak 14.00 – 14.25 Specific features of Richtmyer–Meshkov
instability growth with 2D and 3D initial perturbation geometry Oleg Ol'khov Russia 14.25 – 15.10 Reactive dynamics of materials and
interfaces at non–equilibrium conditions using first–principles based force
fields William A. Goddard III 15.10 – 15.50 Coherence and randomness in non–equilibrium turbulent processes Snezhana I.
Abarzhi 15.50 – 16.10 Research Opportunities at Basic Plasma Facility (UCLA) [When dense plasmas collide] Walter Gekelman, The University of California at Los Angeles 16.10 – 16.30 break Themes: Interfacial dynamics, Advanced numerical simulations, Experimental diagnostics Session Chair: Daniel Livescu 16.30 – 17.05 The density ratio dependence of self–similar Rayleigh–Taylor mixing David L. Youngs 17.05 – 17.30 Lag modeling of subgrid–scale dissipation in Large Eddy Simulation Sergei Chumakov Stanford University, USA 17.30 – 18.05 Understanding experimental diagnostics
and results for code and model validation Katherine P. Prestridge 18.05 – 18.30 New models to capture evolution of
molecular mix and de–mix in variable–density flows Krista Stalsberg–Zarling
– 21.00 Conference and School Banquet 1 August 2009, Saturday Theme: Free Time 2 August 2009, Sunday Theme: Free Time
3 August 2009, Monday Theme: Astrophysics Session Chair: Snezhana I. Abarzhi 8.30 – 9.00 Turbulence and turbulent mixing in natural fluids Carl Gibson 9.00 – 9.25 Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of local solar supergranulation Sergey Ustyugov 9.25 – 10.00 Joys of highly turbulent solar convection and magnetic
dynamos Juri Toomre 10.00 – 10.30 break Themes: Combustion, Material science Session Chair: Sergei S. Orlov 10.30 –
10.55 Two–point closure method for
turbulence with reacting and mixing chemical elements of type A + B → C Mayoordhwaj Meshram 10.55 – 11.20 Analogy of meteorite impacts in laboratory conditions Tara Desai 11.20 –
11.55 Melt–dispersion mechanism for
reaction of aluminum nano– and micron–scale particles Valery I. Levitas 11.55 –
12.30 Atomistic simulations of
material dynamics and interfaces under high–rate mechanical or thermal loading Sergey Zybin 12.30 – 14.00 lunch Themes: Physics of atmosphere, Wall–bounded flowsSession Chair: Aline Cotel 14.00 – 14.25 Forecasting atmospheric turbulence for
adaptive optics application: models comparison of vertical turbulence profile Lidia Bolbasova 14.25 – 15.00 Using satellite measurements of stellar
scintillation for mapping turbulence in the stratosphere Viktoria Sofieva 15.00 – 15.35 The quest for high Reynolds number wall –
bounded experiments – why, where and how? Henrik Alfredsson 15.35 – 16.10 Turbulence modeling for flow control Jurgen Seidel 16.10 – 16.30 break Theme: High energy density physics Session Chair: Alexander L. Velikovich 16.30 – 17.05 Nonlinear non–stationary self–organized
asymptotic structures in high energy density plasmas and non–equilibrium Euler
turbulence Bedros Afeyan 17.05 – 17.30 Turbulence generation by a shock wave
interacting with a random density inhomogeneity field Cesar Huete Ruiz de Lira 17.30 – 18.05 Magnetically driven supersonic plasma
jets in high energy density experiments Sergey Lebedev 18.05 – 18.30 Dynamics of laser–driven shock waves in
solid targets observed with monochromatic X–ray imaging Yefim Aglitskiy, 4 August 2009, Tuesday Themes: Canonical turbulence and turbulent mixing, High energy density physics, Magneto–hydrodynamics Session Chair: Yefim Aglitskiy 8.30 – 9.00 Suppression of Rayleigh–Taylor instability and impact ignition Hiroshi Azechi (talk is given by K. Nishihara)
Engineering, Japan Victor Sivolgin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia 9.20 – 10.05 Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas Ronald Waltz, General Atomics Corporation, San Diego, USA 10.05 – 10.30 break Theme: Astrophysics and Canonical turbulence and turbulent mixing Session Chair: Yuri Toomre 10.30 – 11.05 Shock generated vorticity in the
interstellar medium and origins of the stellar initial mass function Ralph E. Pudritz, McMaster University, Canada 11.05 – 11.30 Weakly compressible turbulence in local
interstellar medium and three–dimensional modeling using Large Eddy Simulations
method Arakel Petrosyan 11.30 – 12.05 Transitional solar dynamics, cosmic rays, and global warming Alexander
Bershadskii Research, Israel 12.05 – 12.30 Lagrangian statistical theory of fully–developed hydrodynamic turbulence Valeria Sirota, P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 12.30 – 14.00 lunch Session Chair: Terence O'Kane 14.00 – 14.35 Rotating turbulent flows in the presence of helicity Annick Pouquet 14.35 – 15.05 Recent developments in stratified turbulence Aline Cotel 15.05 – 15.35 Dynamics of oceanic zonal jets Balu Nadiga 15.35 – 16.00 Statistical properties of wind wave
breaking crests from field measurements Alexei Mironov
(a.k.a. Oleksii Myronov)
Institute, Sevastopol, Ukraine 16.00 – 16.30 break Themes: Interfacial dynamics, Canonical turbulence and turbulent mixing Session Chair: Jeremia Bec 16.30 – 17.15 Compressibility effects in fluid flows (tutorial)Serge Gauthier 17.15 – 17.40 Oscillatory behavior in the Rayleigh–Taylor instability for
compressible fluids Xavier Barthelemy 17.40 – 18.15 Transition to turbulence for flows
without linear criticality Masato Nagata 18.15 –
18.40 Velocity and concentration
fields in turbulent buoyant mixing inside a tilted tube Jemil Znanien 19.00 – 21.00 Reception 5 August 2009, Wednesday Theme: High energy density physics Session Chair: Katsunobu Nishihara 8.30 – 9.00 Gyrokinetic simulation of turbulent transport in fusion
plasmas 9.00 – 9.25 Blast–wave–driven Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities Bruce Fryxell 9.25 – 10.10 Instabilities, turbulence and energy coupling into Z–pinch plasmas (tutorial) Alexander Velikovich 10.10 – 10.30 break Theme: Advanced numerical simulations Session Chair: Konstantin Khanin 10.30 – 11.05 Turbulent mixing, transport and subgrid models James J. Glimm 11.05 –
11.40 Entropy stable approximations
of Navier–Stokes equations with no artificial numerical viscosity Eitan Tadmor 11.40 – 12.05 On temperature in a rotating gas tube Oleg Troshkin Academy of Sciences, Russia 12.05 – 12.30 Transition to chaos: numerical experiment Oleg
Belotserkovskii Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia 12.30 – 14.00 lunch Theme: Advanced numerical simulations Session Chair: Snezhana I. Abarzhi 14.00 – 14.45 Implicit Large Eddy Simulation methods (tutorial) Fernando Grinstein 14.45 – 15.20 The model of energy transport in turbulent sub–critical laser plasmas of porous targets Ivan Lebo Dale Pullin California
Institute of Technology, USA 16.00 – 16.20 break Theme: Stochastic processes and probabilistic description Session Chair: Masato Nagata 16.20 – 16.55 Dynamics of droplets bouncing on a
liquid interface: a macroscopic type of wave–particle duality Yves Couder 16.55 – 17.20 Long–time behavior of stochastic flows Leonid Koralov 17.20 – 17.55 Anomalous transport and reactions in turbulent flow Sergei Fedotov 17.55 – 18.20 Probability distribution function for self–organization of shear flows Eun–jin Kim 6 August 2009, Thursday Themes: Stochastic processes and probabilistic description, Interfacial dynamics, Magneto–hydrodynamics Session Chair: Alexander L. Velikovich 8.30 – 8.55 Large–scale flows in natural and mixed
convection Jorge Bailon–Cuba 8.55 – 9.30 Kinetic theoretical approach to the mixing
process due to Rayleigh–Taylor instability Giora Hazak 9.30 – 10.05 Turbulence spreading in magnetically confined plasmas Taik Soo Hahm 10.05 – 10.30 break Theme: Mathematical aspects of non–equilibrium dynamics Session Chair: Dale Pullin 10.30 – 11.05 Dynamics on shocks and the optimal transport problem Konstantin Khanin 11.05 –
11.30 Velocity and energy profiles
in two– versus three–dimensional channels: effects of inverse versus direct
energy cascade Oleskii Rudenko 11.30 – 12.05 The helicity cascade in isotropic and homogeneous turbulence Pablo D. Mininni 12.05 – 12.30 Unstable periodic orbits for the Navier–Stokes equations Louis Fazendeiro 12.30 – 14.00 lunch Themes: Stochastic processes and probabilistic description, Astrophysics, Advanced numerical simulations, Experimental diagnostics Session Chair: Itamar Procaccia 14.00 – 14.45 Concrete problems of chaotic and clustering time–series analysis
(tutorial) Alexander Bershadskii Research, Israel 14.45 – 15.20 Helioseismology, turbulent convection and the solar
tachocline Michael J. Thompson 15.20 – 15.45 Implementation of turbulence models in
an unstructured hybrid mesh finite volume CFD code and its application for
study of a forward facing step Janardanan Sarasamma Jayakumar 15.45 –
16.10 A DNS based Tomo–PIV accuracy assessment Nicholas Worth, University of Cambridge, UK 16.10 – 16.30 break 16.30 – 18.30 Round Table - II Open discussion, extension of Round Table - I. Some of the questions to discuss include: - What are the connections of TMB-related problems to other well established fields? - What is the set of "model" problem [deep enough and specific enough] to consider and to be useful in a variety of TMB-related themes? - What are the quantitative criteria for to estimate the quality and information capacity of experimental and numerical data sets and to evaluate predictive capabilities of theories and models? - Collaborative computing environment: opportunities offered by modern technologies for data sharing, annotation, transfer, analysis, visualization? Cyber-physical systems? Cyber-infrastructure? - Action items.7 August 2009, Friday Themes: Wall-bounded flows, Experimental diagnostics, Physics of Atmosphere Session Chair: Serge Gauthier and Pablo Daniel Mininni 8.30 – 8.55 Numerical simulation of turbulence transition
regimes in pipe flow using solenoidal bases Ozan Tugluk 8.55 – 9.20 A parallel finite-volume element method for transient compressible turbulent flows with heat transfer Masoud Ziaei-Rad, Sharif University of Technology, Iran 9.20 – 9.45 Hyper–cooling in the atmospheric surface
layer: radiative processes Vasudevan Mukund 9.45 –
10.30 A regularized inhomogeneous
statistical dynamical turbulence closure and its application to problems in
atmospheric dynamics Terence O'Kane 10.30 – 11.00 break 10.30 – 12.30 Poster Session - II 12.30 – 14.00 lunch Session Chair: Yves Couder 14.00 – 14.45 Theory of drag reduction by polymers in wall–bounded turbulence Itamar Procaccia, The Weizmann
Institute of Science, Israel 14.45 – 15.25 Vortex reconnections Katepalli R.
Sreenivasan 15.25 – 16.05 An introduction to uncertainty quantification Bruce Fryxell 16.05 – 16.30 break Themes: Canonical turbulence and turbulent mixing, Advanced numerical simulations Session Chair: Joseph J. Niemela 16.30 – 17.10 Turbulent suspensions of heavy particles Jeremie Bec, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, France 17.10 - 17.35 On implicit Large Eddy Simulation of material turbulent mixing Fernando Grinstein, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA 17.35 – 18.05 Summary 19.00 – 21.00 Reception Adriatico Guest House Poster Presentations Sessions I (31 July) and II (07 August) · Canonical turbulence and turbulent mixing P–1 Study of
the influence of micromixing model properties on an averaged chemical reaction
rate in a turbulent flow Andrei Chorny A. V.
Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Inst of National Academy of Sciences, Belarus P–2 Polymer
additives in two–dimensional turbulence P–3 Energy
spectrum and fluxes in Rayleigh–Benard convection Pankaj K. Mishra Indian
Institute of Technology at Kanpur, India P–4 Inertial
particles in a two–dimensional random flow Benjamin Pergolizzi Observatoire
de la Cote d'Azur, Nice, France Rayleigh
instability in a vortex–induced unsteady boundary layer · Wall–bounded flows P–5 Rayleigh
instability in a vortex–induced unsteady boundary layer Alexander
Obabko Argonne
National Laboratory, USA P–6 Suppression
of turbulent vortex shedding from a square cylinder in proximity to a wall Mehrdad
Raisee Dehkordi University
of Tehran, Tehran, Iran P–7 Development
of velocity and pressure disturbances in the near–wall region over deforming
absorbing surface Yaroslav
Zagumennyi Institute
of Hydromechanics of National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine · Interfacial dynamics & Non–equilibrium processes P–8 Turbulent
mixing at gas–liquid interface with the width of the mixing zone up to 200 mm Nikolay
Nevmerzhitsky Russian
Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF, Sarov, Russia · High energy density physics P–9 Evolution
of small perturbations in the inertial confinement fusion (ICF) targets Lev Ktitorov Keldysh
Inst. Applied Mathematics & Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia · Material science P–10 Rayleigh–Taylor
instability in a visco–plastic fluid Aleksey
Doludenko Moscow
Institute for Physics and Technology, Russia P–11 Experimental,
theoretical and numerical investigation into Richtmyer–Meshkov instability in
condensed matter Oleg Olkhov Russian
Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF, Russia · Astrophysics P–12 Application
of control theory to expanding turbulent media Gregory
Vesper The
University of Chicago, USA · Magneto–hydrodynamics P–13 Turbulent
interchange mixing in a dipole–confined plasma Brian
Grierson Columbia
University, USA P–14 Two–fluid
magnetic reconnection Leonid
Malyshkin The
University of Chicago, USA · Canonical plasmas P–15 Waves in
expanding laser–produced plasmas Andrew
Collette University
of California at Los Angeles, USA P–16 Non–stationary
turbulent mixing of multichannel discharge plasma and electrolyte Almaz
Gaysin A. N.
Tupolev Kazan State Technical University, Russia P–17 Turbulent
mixing of plasma and electrolyte in multi–channel discharge between a droplet
and electrolyte Rushan
Kayumov A. N.
Tupolev Kazan State Technical University, Russia P–18 Correlation
analyses of simultaneously excited large–scale ionospheric plasma turbulence
and magnetic field fluctuations produced by a high–frequency heater at Gakona,
Alaska Rezy
Pradipta Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, USA · Physics of atmosphere & Geophysics and Earth
sciences P–19 One–dimensional
vertical model for the atmospheric boundary layer Arpad
Bordas University
of Novi Sad, Serbia · Combustion P–20 Selectivity
of competitive – consecutive reactions depending on turbulent mixing conditions
in a co–axial jet mixer Andrei
Chorny A.V. Luikov
Heat and Mass Transfer Inst National Academy of Sciences, Belarus P–21 The effects
of burning on the development of 2D turbulence Elizabeth Hicks The
University of Chicago, USA Effects of
dissipation rate models of mixture–fraction on stable and unstable solutions of
SLFM Jian Zhang LNM,
Institute of Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences, China P–23 Turbulent
mixing and large–scale coherent vortical structures inside the vortex chamber
with fixed dead–end Andrey Voskoboinick Institute
of Hydromechanics, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine · Mathematical aspects of non–equilibrium dynamics &
Stochastic processes and probabilistic description P–24 The
kinematic instability in nonstationary gasdynamics Sergey Kholin Russian
Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF, Russia · Advanced numerical simulations P–25 On modeling
of Saffman–Taylor instability with regularization Marina
Belotserkovskaya Institute
for Computer Aided Design of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia P–26 On vortex
cascades in shear flow instabilities S.V.
Fortova Institute
for Computer Aided Design of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia P–27 Numerical
simulation of reacting flows using spectral deferred corrections Candace
Gilet University
of California at Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA P–28 On the
assessment of Large Eddy Simulation of particle–pair statistics in turbulence Guodong Jin LNM,
Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China P–29 Numerical
investigation of the turbulent mixing in a converging shock tube Yi Liu Atomic
Weapons Establishment, UK P–30 Compressibility
effects on single–mode Rayleigh–Taylor instability Scott James
Reckinger University
of Colorado, Boulder, USA P–31 Direct
numerical simulation of scalar transfer in regular and fractal grid turbulence Hiroki
Suzuki Nagoya
University, Japan · Experimental diagnostics P–32 Experimental
investigation of a twice–shocked spherical density inhomogeneity Nick Haehn University
of Wisconsin – Madison, USA P–33 The
dispersion of lines written in a turbulent jet flow Mehrnoosh
Mirzaei Applied
Molecular Physics, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands P–34 The
influence of the Mach number of a shock wave on turbulent mixing growth at the
interface Nikolay
Nevmerzhitsky Russian
Federal Nuclear Center – VNIIEF, Russia P–35 High
Schmidt number scalar transfer in regular and fractal grid turbulence Hiroki
Suzuki Nagoya
University, Nagoya, Japan P–36 Transport of pollutions by thermo–convective
currents under frozen parametric disorder Denis Goldobin 8 August 2009, Saturday Theme: Free Time Theme: Organizing Committee Meeting 9 August 2009, Sunday Theme: Free Time Special presentations Remote
presentations Theme: High-performance computing and cyber – infrastructure GLOSS: Collaborative tagging for scientific data Svetlozar Nestorov The University of
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA Exhibits Themes: Experimental diagnostics and cyber – physical systems Fast-speed imaging Tim Nicholls Photron (Europe) Ltd., UK 28 – 30 July 2009, Lobby near Main Lecture Hall Presentations on waiting list Tutorials Abarzhi, Snezhana I. Barbastathis, George Brandenburg, Axel Bershadskii, Alexander Fukumoto, Yasuhide Gauthier, Serge Galperin, Boris Gekelman, Walter Grinstein, Fernando Khanin, Konstantin Krommes, John A. Nagata, Masato Nepomnyashchy, Alexander O'Kane, Terence Pouquet, Annick Procaccia, Itamar Pullin, Dale Shu, Chi-Wang Second International
Conference and Advanced School TMB-2009
When? Routine 8.30 – 10.00 lectures,
talks, tutorials 10.00 –
10.30 coffee break 10.30 –
12.30 lectures, talks,
tutorials 12.30 –
14.00 lunch 14.00 –
16.00 lectures, talks,
tutorials 16.00 –
16.30 coffee break 16.30 – 18.30 lectures,
talks, tutorials Poster sessions: Friday 10.30
– 12.30 31 July (I) and
07 August (II) Round Tables: Thursday 16.30
– 18.30 30 July (I) and 06 August (II) Exhibits: 10.00
– 16.30 28 – 29 July Where? The Abdus
Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Leonardo da Vinci (Main) Building Lectures, Talks, Tutorials: Main
Lecture Hall Poster Sessions: Poster Hallway near Main Lecture Hall Round Tables:
Meeting Room Exhibits: Lobby near
Main Lecture Hall Others: Seminar
room and office Computer/Internet: Computer
rooms, wireless Coffee, Receptions,
Dinner Bar (coffee,
tea): Mon–Fri 08.00 – 17.00 Main
Building, 4th flour Coffee Breaks: Mon–Fri 10.30
and 16.00 near Main Lecture Hall Receptions: Tue and Fri 19.00 – 21.00 28
July, 04 Aug, 07 Aug Banquet: Fri 19.00 – 21.00 31
July The Theme Issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society with reviews of turbulent transports in fluids, plasmas, materials is being is preparation for publication in 2011. The key-note lectures and tutorials of the First and Second International Conferences "Turbulent Mixing and Beyond" will be published in a book. The publication details will be presented later. |