Semi-technical publications
Robert Harry Kraichnan, An Obituary.
Phys. Today 61, May issue, 70-71, 2008
(with S. Chen, G. Eyink, G. Falkovich, U. Frisch & S. Orszag)

Science dissemination using Open Access: A compendium of selected literature on Open Access, ed. by E. Canessa & M. Zennaro. ICTP, 2008.

Some comments on nonlinear dynamics.
Conference report: Perspective on nonlinear dynamics. ICTP, Trieste, July 2007.
Pramana: Journal of Physics 70, 959-963, 2008
Pramana: Journal of Physics 70, 959-963, 2008

A personal account of Professor Abdus Salam.
Int. J. Modern Phys. A 23, 3799-3810, 2008;
reprinted in Salam + 50; proceedings of the conference, ed. by Michael Duff. Imperial College Press, 2008.
reprinted in Salam + 50; proceedings of the conference, ed. by Michael Duff. Imperial College Press, 2008.

Preface to
"100 Buone Ragioni per Diventare Scienziati"
the Italian Translation of the English Original "100 Reasons to be a Scientist". ICTP, 2007.

Introduction to
"Good Morning Prof. Budinich" the English Translation of the Italian original "Buongiorno Prof. Budinich", by P. Greco. Milano, Bompiani, 2007

Conference report: The IAEA's international fusion and plasma physics activities - report on the 49th regular session of the IAEA General Conference and the 8th Scientific Forum.
Nucl. Fusion 46, 667-672, 2006
(with W. Burkart)

ICTP as a model for excellence for doctoral and post-doctoral training in the South.
In "Sharing Knowledge Across the Mediterranean Area" pp. 19-28, edited by P. Faugeras, A. Hoummada & R. Klapisch. (NATO Security through Science Series, E: Human and Societal Dynamics, 12). Amsterdam, IOS Press, 2006.

Scientific measure of Africa's connectivity.
Information Technologies and International Development 3 (No.1), 55-64, 2006
(with M. Zennaro, E. Canessa, A. A. Rehmatullah & R. L. Cottrell)

Prospects and problems for world energy: Remarks at the World Renewable Energy Congress.
The Pantaneto Forum, issue 24 (3 pages) 2006

Access to scholarly literature via a free knowledge management enabler: An opportunity for scientists in developing countries.
Knowledge Management for Development Journal 2 (No. 3), 75-85, 2006
(with E. Canessa, C. Fonda & M. Zennaro)

Foreword to the proceedings of the International Conference on "Frontiers in Fluid Mechanics" held in Bangalore, India, October 26-28, 2006

Comment on: William C. Brainard and Herbert E. Scarf's "How to Compute Equilibrium Prices in 1891".
Amer. J. Economics and Sociology 64, 89-92, 2005;
reprinted in: Celebrating Irving Fisher: The legacy of a great economist, ed. by R.W. Dimand and J. Geanakoplos. Blackwell, 2005
reprinted in: Celebrating Irving Fisher: The legacy of a great economist, ed. by R.W. Dimand and J. Geanakoplos. Blackwell, 2005

A Web community to foster science in developing countries:
In Proc. IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities 2005, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 23-25, 2005
(with C. Fonda, M. Zennaro & E. Canessa)

Preface: Special Issue in Tribute to Robert Anthony Antonia.
Flow Turbul. Combust. 72, 91-92, 2004
(with R.W. Bilger)

"Three quarks for Muster Mark"
a brief introduction for "A Rose for Joyce" by R.A. Crivelli, MGS Press, 2004

Setting new sights for the ICTP.
Comment in the Forum of Phys. World 16, April issue, 15, 2003

Preface: Special Issue on Nonlinearity and chaos in the physical sciences.
Pramana: Journal of Physics 48, 3-5, 1997
(with R. Ramaswamy)

Book review: An introduction to error analysis: The study of uncertainties in physical measurements, by J.R. Taylor
American Scientist 71, 430-430, 1983.