Library of FORTRAN Codes

All this codes have been produceded within the
European Research Project COCOS

• Utilities [1]

Useful subroutines OT with respect to the other points here listed, inculding random number generators, auxiliary data files, etc.

• Random Pure States [4]

Four subroutines for producing both REAL or CPLX Random Pure States, distributed according to the Haar measure of O(N), respectively U(N). Such a pure states can be produced as vectors |ψ〉, or as rank 1 projectors ρ = |ψ〉〈ψ|.

• Random Mixed States [2]

Two subroutines for producing both REAL or CPLX Random Mixed States ρ, distributed according to the so-called “induced” distribution family PN,K(ρ).
As a particular case, the “Hilbert-Schmidt” distribution PHS(ρ) can also be obtained.

• Reshuffling Operations [36]

The subroutines listed in this Section are designed for performing the operations of Table 1 on operators X, mapping a finite dimensional bipartite Hilbert space

Htot = HA HB =  CN CK                                     (1)

into itself

X  :  Htot →  Htot .                                            (2)

The actions of these subroutine on matrices X mainly consist of reorderings of the 4 indeces lebeling the elements of X in the product basis of (1).

• Traces [10]

All this subroutines are design with the aim of performing “total” or “partial” traces of operators X mapping the finite dimensional bipartite Hilbert space of equation (1) into itself, as in equation (2).

• Random Matrix Tools [12]

Subroutines for producing random matrices out of classical compact Lie groups [O(N), U(N) and USp(2N)], Ginibre's Ensembles [GinOE(N), GinUE(N) and GinSE(N)], Gaussian's Ensembles [GOE(N), GUE(N) and GSE(N)] and Dyson's Circular Ensembles [COE(N), CUE(N) and CSE(N)].