Making the input from csv data

There is a new script in v1.5 which allows you to make input files from csv data or by specifying constant values. To get the help type

$ $VECTRI/utils/vectri_point_input –help

Commonly you will want to convert a txt or csv file into a netcdf input file, usually specifying a fixed value for population density. (NOTE, at the moment the text file is space not comma separated).

So if you look at the text example file:

$ less $VECTRI/data/vectri_fake_clim.txt

you will see it has 1 header line, and the year in column 2, month in col 3, day in col 4 followed by mean temperature and rainfall. Thus the command to convert this to netcdf with a population density of 100 per km2 would be

$ $VECTRI/utils/vectri_point_input –nhead 1 –cyyyy 2 –cmm 3 –cdd 4 –ctmin 5 –ctmax 5 –crain 6 –pop 100 –rain $VECTRI/data/vectri_fake_clim.txt –temp $VECTRI/data/vectri_fake_clim.txt

you can set the output names with –climfile and –datafile if you like

NOTE: new script, likely to subject to bugs, please report