Review articles



M.N.Kiselev. Semi-fermionic approach for quantum spin systems. Invited selected talk at Theoretical Physics 2002 (TH-2002, Paris) Conference. Proceedings TH2002 Supplement, pp. 155-180, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel.[PDF]


Kikoin, K.A, Kiselev, M.N. and Avishai, Y., (2006): Dynamical symmetries in Nanophysics. pp.39-86, in Nanophysics, Nanoclusters and  Nanodevices, Editor Kimberly S. Gehar, NOVA Science Publisher, New York USA [PDF]


M.N.Kiselev. Semi-fermionic representation for spin systems under equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. Invited review in International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 20,  No. 4, 381-421 (2006) [PDF]


M.N.Kiselev. Dynamical Symmetries and Transport through Nanostructures.  Review in Physica Status Solidi. (2007) [PDF]