2. Quantum Operations: The Hans-Jürgen algorithm

We are considering the Random Quantum Maps


mapping the set of N×N density matrices ρ in itself. The Map Γ can be represented by a N2×N2 matrix Φ, the so-called Superoperator, which in turn can be reshuffled into a positive and Hermitian N2×N2 dynamical matrix D

            that is                           (1)

Other that positivity and Hermiticity, another condition must be fulfilled by D, for being a dynamical matrix representing a quantum map Γ. This is the Trace Preserving (TP) condition, namely


The Hans-Jürgen algorithm for producing a dynamical matrix D consists in:

  • generate a CPXL N2×N2 non Hermitian matrix X drawn according to the Ginibre Unitary Ensemble (the subroutine GinUE.f can be used for this purpouse);

  • compute the N×N Hermitian matrix

    and diagonalize it, obtaining UB and ΛB such that


  • use the latter decomposition for fixing the Hermitian matrix

  • compute the dynamical matrix

    that now is positive, hermitian and fulfill eq. (2) by construction.
Once that one dynamical matrix D has been generated, the corresponding superoperator Φ can be earned by eq. (1).