Turbulent Mixing and Beyond Workshop

Mixing in Fusion Plasmas

11-15 November 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA
Invited Mini-Conference at 55th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics


Mini-Conference Outline



Proceedings and Publications

Important Dates



Proceedings and Publications

 Special issue 'Mixing in Fusion Plasmas' has been published by Physica Scripta.

The issue is comprised of a collection of six papers that were presented at and are relevant to the mini-conference 'Mixing in Fusion Plasmas' and the program 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond'. The papers have been published as Invited Comment in regular monthly issues of Physica Scripta and are being gathered together to form an issue.

We thank all the authors for their valuable contributions.

For information on publications of the TMB program, please take a look at TMB web-site and Publications.

Other publications of the program are expected in the near future. Particularly:
  • Brief review papers that are addressed to a broad audience and that are intended for publications as a Theme Issue of  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
  • 'Special topic' research papers in the Physics of Plasmas is being under consideration.