using TinyML for Science and Development
As an international institute dedicated to science and education, ICTP aims to enhance its education and training activities to support young and mid-career scientists from developing countries, to provide them with continuing advanced training necessary for long and productive scientific careers. In this framework, ICTP has organized more than 40 training activities on IoT in 35 developing countries. These activities have initiated local research groups on this topic and have inspired many Master and PhD thesis. Following a workshop at University of Rwanda in 2015, ICTP is now partner of the African Centre of Excellence in IoT supported by the World Bank.
The main objective of the TinyML project is to create a community of researchers on the topic of TinyML in developing countries. We know that Machine Learning (ML) has a huge potential to tackle societal issues in developing countries especially in the environmental and medical worlds. The advent of TinyML will offer new opportunities for scientist to carry out complex on-device ML research by using low-power and low-cost devices. As these devices are inexpensive, students can use them for their school practicals and experiments. Considering that TinyML is a very new field, research on its use in science is open to new contributions.
A list of interesting papers, projects, articles and talks about TinyML can be found here.
An online community of researchers and practitioners can be joined here.