1. Ponnamperuma, C. and Chela-Flores, J. (Eds.). (1993). Chemical Evolution: Origin of Life. A. Deepak Publishing, Vol. 135: Hampton, Virginia, USA. http://www.deepakpublishing.com/Booktitles/135.html
2. Chela-Flores, J., M. Chadha, A. Negron-Mendoza, and T. Oshima (Eds.). (1995). Chemical Evolution: Self-Organization of the Macromolecules of Life (A Cyril Ponnamperuma Festschrift.) A. Deepak Publishing, Vol. 139: Hampton, Virginia, USA. http://www.deepakpublishing.com/Booktitles/139.html
3. Ponnamperuma, C. and Chela-Flores,
J. (Eds.). (1995). Chemical Evolution: The Structure and Model
of the First Cell . Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht,
The Netherlands.
also: Guest Editor, Journal of Biological Physics 120,
Numbers 1-4 (1994).
4. Chela-Flores, J. and Raulin,
F. (Eds.). (1996). Chemical Evolution: Physics of the Origin
and Evolution of Life (The Cyril Ponnamperuma Memorial Conference).
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
5. Chela-Flores, J. and Raulin, F. (Eds.). (1998). Exobiology: Matter, Energy, and Information in the Origin and Evolution of Life in the Universe. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. http://www.wkap.nl/prod/b/0-7923-5172-X
6. Chela-Flores, J., Lemarchand, G.A. and Oro, J. (2000). Astrobiology: Origins from the Big Bang to Civilisation. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,5-198-22-33525257-0,00.html
7. Chela-Flores, J. (2001).
The New Science of Astrobiology From Genesis of the Living
Cell to Evolution of Intelligent Behavior in the Universe.
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands (279 pp.).
8. Chela-Flores, J, Owen,
T. and Raulin, F. (2001). The First Steps of Life in the Universe.
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
9 . Seckbach, J.; Chela-Flores,
J.; Owen, T.; Raulin, F. (Eds.) (2004) Life in the Universe
From the Miller Experiment to the Search for Life on Other
Worlds, Series: Cellular
Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, Vol. 7,
387 p.,
Softcover ISBN: 1-4020-3093-2
Hardcover ISBN: 1-4020-2371-5
10. Chela-Flores, J. (2004)
New Science of Astrobiology From Genesis of the Living Cell to
Evolution of Intelligent Behavior in the Universe.
Series : Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology
, Band 3 Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, The Netherlands,
251 p., Softcover edition of the 2001 book, ISBN: 1-4020-2229-8
A second edition is in preparation for December 2010.
1. Chela-Flores, J. (2009) A Second Genesis: Stepping stone towards the intelligibility of nature. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore
(In Spanish, available at the Abdus Salam ICTP Library)
1. Chela-Flores, J. (1977a). Liquidos y Solidos Cuanticos. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas-Centro de Estudios Avanzados: Caracas. Text of a lecture course.
2. Chela-Flores, J. (1977b). Relatividad: Base para el Estudio de las Ciencias del Universo. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas-Centro de Estudios Avanzados: Caracas. Text of a lecture course.
3. Chela-Flores, J. and Ladera, C.L. (1979). Maxwell-Einstein: Ensayos Biograficos de Dos Grandes Fisicos. Caracas: Ediciones de la C.A. La Electricidad de Caracas y C.A. Luz Electrica de Venezuela: Caracas. pp. 97-159, out of print (Photocopy.)
4. Chela-Flores, J., (Ed). (1981). Einstein, Editorial Equinoccio, Caracas.
(In Spanish, available at the Universidad Simon Bolivar Library, Caracas)
Chela-Flores, J., (ed). (1980). Gravedad, Gravedades, Supersimetrias y Teorias de Calibre. Editorial Equinoccio: Caracas.