
Book Cover: Astrobiology and Humanism

Astrobiology and Humanism:
Conversations on Science, Philosophy and Theology

Julian Chela-Flores

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK

Hardback ISBN-13: 978-1-5275-3436-0
ISBN-10: 1-5275-3436-7
Date of Publication: 01/08/2019
Pages / Size: 170 / A5

The book reviews the horizons and frontiers of humanism with the science of life in the universe, now generally known as “astrobiology”. Being among the most important conversations of our time, the existence of life itself raises deep questions that are meaningful to both astrobiology and humanism. Current understandable disagreements in the intercultural dialogue are discussed, which are solely due to the widespread delusion that the horizons and frontiers of science can be ignored.

Book Reviews


Roberto Aretxaga Burgos.

Octavio A. Chon Torres.

Asociacion Peruana de Astrobiologia.


Peter R. Bahn. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres

Andrè Brack.

George V. Coyne.

John F. Haught.

Joseph Seckbach.  Astrobiology Newsletter Vol. 12, No. 4. pp. 9-11.


2nd Edition: Springer

(Published September 2011),

Cellular Origin, Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology Series.


The Science of Astrobiology:


Excerpt from the Preliminary Preface of the Second Edition

Book Reviews

Andre Brack (2012) Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres  Orig Life Evol Biosph DOI 10.1007/s11084-012-9270-9 (16 March 2012).

K. L. Schick (2012) Choice,  49 (6), February).

Radu Popa (2012) Astrobiology as a Cultural Phenomenon. A book review of  "The Science of Astrobiology: A Personal View on Learning to Read the Book of Life". Astrobiology. Vol. 12, No. 10: 1015-1016.



Book Cover

Chela-Flores, J. (2009). A Second Genesis: Stepping stones towards the intelligibility of nature. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore, 248 pp.

Book reviews

"A Second Genesis – Stepping-stones Toward the Intelligibility of Nature"
Narendra  KUMAR, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India

“Exobiology, Religion and Science, Philosophy of Nature”
François RAULIN, LISA, CNRS et Universités Paris 12 & 7, Créteil et Paris, France

Florence RAULIN CERCEAU, Centre Koyré et Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France


The WSP web page for the book is available.

The Amazon webpage for the book may be consulted.

Citation in Google Books.

An erratum page will be provided with the book, but it can also be downloaded from this site. The eBook mentioned below has eliminated the previous inaccuracies.

The Preface of "A Second Genesis", its Table of Contents and Chapter 1 have been made available by WSP

WSP is in the process of issuing the eBook: A Second Genesis: Stepping stones towards the intelligibility of nature.  


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