A selection of papers in journals

Smith, A., Crawford, I. A., Gowen, R. A., Ball, A. J., Barber, S. J., Church,P., Coates, A. J., Gao, Y., Griffiths, A. D., Hagermann, A., Phipps, A., Pike, W. T., Scott, R., Sheridan, S., Sweeting, M., Talboys, D.,Tong, V., Wells, N., Biele, J., Chela-Flores, J., Dabrowski, B., Flannagan, J, Grande, M., Grygorczuk, J., Kargl, G.,Khavroshkin, O. B., Klingelhoefer, G., Knapmeyer, M., Marczewski, W., McKenna-Lawlor, S., Richter, L., Rothery, D. A., Seweryn, K., Ulamec,S., Wawrzaszek, R., Wieczorek, M. and Wright, I. P. (2008). LunarEX-A proposal to Cosmic Vision, Exp Astron (2009). 23, 711–740.

Chela-Flores, J. (2010). Instrumentation for the search of habitable ecosystems in the future exploration of Europa and Ganymede. International Journal of Astrobiology, 9, 101-108. 
© Cambridge University Press 2010.

Gowen, R. A., Smith, A., Fortes, A.D., Barber, S., Brown, P., Church, P., Collinson, G., Coates, A. J., Collins, G., Crawford, I. A., Dehant, V., Chela-Flores, J., Griffiths, A. D., Grindrod, P.M., Gurvits, L.I., Hagermann, A, Hussmann, H., Jaumann, R., Jones, A.P., Joy. A. Sephton, , K.H., Karatekin, O., Miljkovic, K., Palomba, E., Pike, W.T., Prieto-Ballesteros, O, Raulin, F., Sephton, M. A., Sheridan, M S., Sims, M., Storrie-Lombardi, M. C., Ambrosi, R., Fielding, J, Fraser, G., Gao, Y., Jones, G. H., Kargl, Karl, W. J., Macagnano, A., Mukherjee, A., Muller, J.P., Phipps, A., Pullan, D., Richter, L., Sohl, F., Snape, J., Sykes, J., Wells, N. (2011). Penetrators for in situ sub-surface investigations of Europa, Adv. Space Res. 48, 725-742.

Smith, A.; I A Crawford; Robert Anthony Gowen; R Ambrosi; M Anand; B Banerdt; N Bannister; N Bowles; C Braithwaite; P Brown; J Chela-Flores; T Cholinser; P Church; A J Coates; T Colaprete; G Collins; G Collinson; T Cook; R Elphic; G Fraser; Y Gao; E Gibson; T Gl otch; M Grande; A Griffiths; J Grygorczuk; M Gudipati; A Hagermann; J Heldmann; L L Hood; A P Jones; K Joy; O B Khavroshkin; G Klingelhoefer; M Knapmeyer; G Kramer; D Lawrence; W Marczewski; S McKenna-Lawlor; K Miljkovic; S Narendranath; E Palomba; A Phipps; W T Pike; D Pullan; J Rask; D T Richard; K Seweryn;    S    Sheridan;    M    Sims;    M    Sweeting;    T    Swindle;    D    T alboys;    L    T aylor;    N    T eanby; V Tong; S Ulamec; R Wawrzaszek; M Wieczorek; L Wilson; I Wright (2012). Lunar Net —A proposal in response to an ESA M3 call in 2010 for a medium sized mission. Experimental Astronomy 33, Issue 2, 587-644.

Chela-Flores, J. (2012a). A case for landing on the moon's farside to test nitrogen abundances. International Journal of Astrobiology, 11, 61-69 © Cambridge University Press.

Chela-Flores, J. (2012b). SETI: a convergencia como nuevo paradigma. Astrobiologia y Filosofia (IV). Letras de Deusto (Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, Spain), 42, (134), 29-38. 

Chela-Flores, J. (2013). From systems chemistry to systems astrobiology: Life in the universe as an emergent phenomenon. International Journal of Astrobiology 12, 8-16. (Cambridge University Press).

Chela-Flores, J. Cicuttin A., Crespo, M. L. and Tuniz, C. (2015). Biogeochemical Fingerprints of Life: Earlier Analogies with Polar Ecosystems Suggest Feasible Instrumentation for Probing the Galilean Moons. International Journal of Astrobiology (Cambridge University Press), 14 (3): 427–434.

Chela-Flores, J. (2017). Instrumentation for testing whether the icy moons of the gas and ice giants are inhabited. Forum Article, Astrobiology Journal, 17, 958 - 961.

Chela-Flores, J. (2019). Testing S isotopes as biomarkers for Mars. International Journal of Astrobiology 18, 436 - 439 (Cambridge University Press).

Chela-Flores, J. (2021). Miniaturised instrumentation for biosignatures on the ocean worlds in the solar system. Frontiers Journal Space Technology 27 July 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/frspt.2021.703809.

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