I work in the field of dynamical systems. Most of my research is focussed on the statistical properties of chaotic dynamical systems, particularly the use of functional analytic techniques to investigate these properties and understanding these properties for continuous time dynamical systems. (Research articles.)
I am a postdoc in the Mathematics section of ICTP. My colleagues Stefano Luzzatto and Lucia Simonelli also work in the field of dynamical systems. We are DinAmicI.

I received my PhD from Imperial College London under the supervision of Stefano Luzzatto. I was a postdoc at UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro under the supervision of Vítor Araújo. Following that I was a postdoc member of the MALADY team at Roma II, Tor Vergata under the supervision of Carlangelo Liverani.
I was a postdoc at the University of Vienna under the supervision of Henk Bruin. Following that I was a FWF Lise Meitner postdoc at the University of Vienna, project leader of “Statistical Properties of Physical Chaotic Flows” and a member of the Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems group.
- Email: oliver.butterley@ictp.it.
ICTP - Strada Costiera, 11
I-34151 Trieste, Italy - LB Room 123.
- Telephone: +39 040 2240 204.