Turbulent Mixing and Beyond

Fifth International Conference

Mixing in Rapidly Changing Environments -  Probing Matter at the Extremes

04-09 August 2014
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy


Goals and Objectives

Outline of Themes


Conference Structure

Invited Presentations

Young Scientist Award

Abstract Submission


Proceedings and Publications

Important Dates


Travel and Visas


Financial Support


Useful Links

Welcome to the web-site of the Fifth International Conference
'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond.'

5th International Conference 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond'
, TMB-2014,
has been held on
04-09 August 2014
at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.

It has been organized as the focused TMB Workshop
'Mixing in Rapidly Changing Environments - Probing Matter at the Extremes.'

It has been held as the ICTP regular activity.

You are invited to navigate the site of TMBW-2014
for information on its goals, objectives, themes, structure, program, publiciations.

Please visit TMB for information of the Program 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond.'

Information on International Conferences 'Turbulent Mixing and Beyond' since 2007 can be found at web-sites of
TMB-2007TMB-2009, TMB-2011, TMB-2013.

© 2007 Turbulent Mixing and Beyond
Contact: tmb.program@gmail.com

Please report any problems with this webpage to webmaster 
Daniil Ilyin