1. Prologue
2. Prerequisites
3. Running VECTRI
4. Output
5. Command Line Options
6. VECTRI Description
7. Model Parameters
8. Simulation nitialization
9. Data Overview
10. Interventions
11. Toolkit of useful scripts
12. Calibration
Welcome to VECTRI’s documentation!
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Welcome to VECTRI’s documentation!
1. Prologue
1.1. History
1.2. VECTRI - What it is
1.3. VECTRI - What it isn’t
1.4. A Note on this manual
2. Prerequisites
2.1. Libraries and software requirements
2.1.1. Mac Users
2.1.2. Windows 10+ users
2.1.3. Note on GRIB
2.2. Directories
2.3. Download the code
2.3.1. Updating the code
2.4. Setting up the Environment
2.4.1. NETCDF variables
2.4.2. Permanently setting
3. Running VECTRI
3.1. Key input fields
3.1.1. climate fields
3.1.2. Population fields
3.2. Example Simulation
4. Output
4.3. Output Variables
5. Command Line Options
6. VECTRI Description
6.1. Typical Climate sensities of VBD
6.2. VECTRI structure
6.3. Vector lifecycle
6.4. Pathogen lifecycle
6.5. Disease lifecycle
6.5.1. Malaria
6.5.2. Dengue
6.6. Hydrology
6.6.1. Temporary Pond parameterization
6.6.2. Urban breeding sites
6.6.3. permanent water features
7. Model Parameters
7.1. How to set parameters
7.1.1. Command line input
7.1.2. vectri.options file
7.1.3. Fortran changes
7.2. Parameter settings tables
7.2.1. Simulation parameters
7.2.2. Vector parameters
7.2.3. Disease parameters
7.2.4. Hydrology parameters
7.2.5. Population parameters
7.2.6. Interventions parameters
8. Simulation nitialization
8.1. Cold start
8.2. Spinning up the model
8.3. Restarting the model
9. Data Overview
9.1. Climate input
9.2. Population density
9.3. Soil types
9.4. SIT interventions
9.5. Bednets
10. Interventions
10.1. Sterile Insect Technique
10.2. Bednet distribution
11. Toolkit of useful scripts
11.1. Getting population data
11.2. Getting ERA5 driver files
11.3. Converting CSV station data to netcdf
11.4. Creating a constant climate driver file
11.5. Running large ensembles in parallel
12. Calibration
12.1. Overview
12.2. Software
#Indices and tables #=================
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