Seminar of the Applied Physics Scientific Section

2012 Academic Year

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Time: 15.30

Oppenheimer Meeting Room, Second Floor, Leonardo Building

Photodynamic therapy for skin cancer treatment (*)

Humberto Cabrera (**)
Applied Optics Laboratory, Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research IVIC,
Mérida, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela  

(*) Summary. IIn this work we describe the use of two chlorin e-6 based photosensitizers (Radachlorin® and Photolon®) to treat multiple basal cell carcinomas. Local photodynamic therapy (PDT) was performed for 39 patients with 172 Basal Cell Carcinomas. The presented data show a favorable response, with an overall rate of complete remission OF 98.3% and acceptable functional and aesthetic results. Therefore Radachlorin®-PDT and Photolon®-PDT appear to be good pomissing options for treatment of Basal Cell Carcinomas.

(**) Biodata. Dr. Humberto. Cabrera graduated in Physics in 1990 at the “ST Kliment Ojhridski” University of Sofia (Bulgaria). He obtained a master degree in optics at the ISPJAE University in Havana and later he completed his PhD thesis at the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (IVIC). He was one the founding members of the Applied Physics Centre at the IVIC-Mérida in which he is currently the Head of the Applied Optics Laboratory and scientific leader of various research projects addressed to new laser technologies, industrial, and medical applications of lasers. The laboratory research is centered on optical techniques and methods for the characterization of media and processes in different scientific disciplines, in technology and biomedicine. It has facilities for thermal lens spectroscopy, classical, speckle and self-mixing interferometry, dynamical speckle techniques, and photodynamic therapy. The laboratory offers advice on optics, laser technology, and optical radiation metrology for scientific and medical institutions, industries and research projects. In 2011 he was appointed Regular Associate Member of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.