Seminar of Physics of the Living State

(The Applied Physics Scientific Section)

2011 Academic Year

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Time: 16.00

Oppenheimer Meeting Room, Second Floor, Leonardo Building

Digital Medical Image Quality:
Examples in CT and dental panoramic images (*)

Marlen Perez Diaz (**)
Central University of "Las Villas", Center for Studies on Electronic and Information Technologies, Medical Imaging Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Faculty, Santa Clara, Cuba

(*) Summary. The present talk has been divided in two parts. In the first part we describe an algorithm for reduction of Poisson noise using filters based on the Wavelet Transform for head computed tomography. We explain the results obtained until the present. The quality of the resulting processed images is evaluated by quantitative metrics. An assessment of the subjective image quality employing experts and using a Free-Response methodology (JAFROC) is also included. In the 2nd part we introduce a new project of our research group, in which we try to adapt new metrics of image quality analysis recently published for image compression to the analysis of image quality /dose variation in dental panoramic images.

(**) Biodata. Dr. Marlen Perez Diaz's expertise is in Medical  Physics and Image Processing. She obtained both her B. Sc. in Nuclear Physics at the Institute for Nuclear Sciences and Technology in Habana-Cuba in 1993 and her MSc in 1998,. Her doctoral work was done at Havana University in 2003. The thesis focused on Image quality vs. dose optimization in nuclear medicine scans. She is full professor for Biomedical Engineering at the Study Center for Electronic and Information Technologies - Central University of Las Villas-Cuba. Besides being a Regular Associate to the ICTP for the period 2010-2016, she has also been to Salsgrenka University in Sweden, Ramon y Cajal Hospital in Madrid-Spain, Pernambuco University in Brazil and Brussels University in Belgium.
    Dr. Perez Diaz is member of the Third World Organization for Women in Science, the American Asociation of Physicists and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Cuban Bio-engineering and Medical Physics Journal. She combines her supervision of undergraduate, Master and Ph. D. students with heading research projects at the national and international levels. She has  54 presentations at international events, having published 29 papers in indexed Journals.