Seminar of Physics of the Living State

(The Applied Physics Scientific Section)

2011 Academic Year

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Time: 15.30

Oppenheimer Meeting Room, Second Floor, Leonardo Building

Polymorphic Dynamics of Microtubules (*)

Hervé Mohrbach
Institut de Chimie, Physique et des Matériaux (ICPM)
University Paul Verlaine, Metz, France

(*) Summary. Microtubules are the stiffest cytoskeletal component and play versatile and indispensable roles in living cells. In the conventional view MTs are seen as internally prestrained but intrinsically straight Euler beams. There exists, however, a growing number of inconsistencies with this simplistic paradigm.  In this talk I will review the line of thoughts which brought us to develop a new theory of microtubules based on the hypothesis that the GDP-tubulin dimer is a conformationally bistable molecule rapidly fluctuating between a discrete curved and a straight state. The fundamental result is that MTs spontaneously form large scale helices of micron size pitches and diameters as a consequence of a cooperative interaction between its individual fluctuating subunit. Cooperativity of fluctuating internal degrees of freedom associated to the rotational symmetry of the MT, apply that MTs are helices that are constantly but coherently reshaping by thermal fluctuations. When clamped by one end the microtubules undergo an unusual zero energy motion. As we will see, this is the key for a coherent interpretation of certain challenging experimental results not captured by the previous scenario. We will also discuss possible implications in vivo.


(**) Biodata: Dr. Hervé Mohrbach obtained is Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Strasbourg in France in 1996.  After several postdocs: CNRS in France, the Max-Planck Institut für Polymerforschung in Mainz and the Lorentz Instituut in Leiden, he is now Maître de Conférences at the University Paul Verlaine in Metz (France) since September 2005. His research interests are quantum mechanics and biophysics with an emphasis on the theoretical description of biofilaments.