Reshuffling Operations on REAL Matrices X given in the product basis

The subroutines listed in this Section are designed for performing the operations of Table 1 on REAL operators X, mapping a finite dimensional bipartite Hilbert space

Htot = HA HB =  CN CK                                     (1)

into itself

X  :  Htot →  Htot .                                            (2)

Table 1: Reshuffling Operations

Reorderings of a matrix X representing an operator which acts on a composed Hilbert space. The arrows denote the indices exchanged.

In the input of the subroutines listed here below, X is expressed in the “product basis” of the Hilbert space of equation (1),

|m,μ〉 := |m〉A⊗ |μ〉B ,

as a 4-dimensional N x K x N x K matrix, whose elements X(m,μ,n,ν) are given by

X(m,μ,n,ν) =  〈m,μ| X |n,ν〉 .

Subroutine ’s Name Precision Version Compatibility
R_NK_tot_tran.f Single 1.0.0 Fortran 90
Uses:  None

• Perform on a matrix X the operation [T] of Table 1.
• Input 2 INTEGER numbers N and K and the N x K x N x K REAL matrix X, whose matrix elements are given in the product basis of CN CK.
• Return as output the N x K x N x K REAL matrix "total transpose of X", still expressed in the product basis of CN CK.

Subroutine ’s Name Precision Version Compatibility
R_NK_par_tr_A.f Single 1.0.0 Fortran 90
Uses:  None

• Perform on a matrix X the operation [TA] of Table 1.
• Input 2 INTEGER numbers N and K and the N x K x N x K REAL matrix X, whose matrix elements are given in the product basis of CN CK.
• Return as output the N x K x N x K REAL matrix "partial transpose on A of X", still expressed in the product basis of CN CK.

Subroutine ’s Name Precision Version Compatibility
R_NK_par_tr_B.f Single 1.0.0 Fortran 90
Uses:  None

• Perform on a matrix X the operation [TB] of Table 1.
• Input 2 INTEGER numbers N and K and the N x K x N x K REAL matrix X, whose matrix elements are given in the product basis of CN CK.
• Return as output the N x K x N x K REAL matrix "partial transpose on B of X", still expressed in the product basis of CN CK.

Subroutine ’s Name Precision Version Compatibility
R_NK_resh____.f Single 1.0.0 Fortran 90
Uses:  None

• Perform on a matrix X the operation [R] of Table 1.
• Input 2 INTEGER numbers N and K and the N x K x N x K REAL matrix X, whose matrix elements are given in the product basis of CN CK.
• Return as output the N x N x K x K REAL matrix "reshuffling of X", in the basis of (CNCN) ⊗ (CKCK)*.

Subroutine ’s Name Precision Version Compatibility
R_NK_resh__pr.f Single 1.0.0 Fortran 90
Uses:  None

• Perform on a matrix X the operation [R’] of Table 1.
• Input 2 INTEGER numbers N and K and the N x K x N x K REAL matrix X, whose matrix elements are given in the product basis of CN CK.
• Return as output the K x K x N x N REAL matrix "reshuffling’ of X", in the basis of (CKCK) ⊗ (CNCN)*.

Subroutine ’s Name Precision Version Compatibility
R_NK_tot_swap.f Single 1.0.0 Fortran 90
Uses:  None

• Perform on a matrix X the operation [S] of Table 1.
• Input 2 INTEGER numbers N and K and the N x K x N x K REAL matrix X, whose matrix elements are given in the product basis of CN CK.
• Return as output the K x N x K x N REAL matrix "total swap of X", expressed in the product basis of CK CN.

Subroutine ’s Name Precision Version Compatibility
R_NK_par_sw_1.f Single 1.0.0 Fortran 90
Uses:  None

• Perform on a matrix X the operation [S1] of Table 1.
• Input 2 INTEGER numbers N and K and the N x K x N x K REAL matrix X, whose matrix elements are given in the product basis of CN CK.
• Return as output the K x N x N x K REAL matrix "partial swap(1) of X", in the basis of (CKCN) ⊗ (CNCK)*.

Subroutine ’s Name Precision Version Compatibility
R_NK_par_sw_2.f Single 1.0.0 Fortran 90
Uses:  None

• Perform on a matrix X the operation [S2] of Table 1.
• Input 2 INTEGER numbers N and K and the N x K x N x K REAL matrix X, whose matrix elements are given in the product basis of CN CK.
• Return as output the N x K x K x N REAL matrix "partial swap(2) of X", in the basis of (CNCK) ⊗ (CKCN)*.