$ mkdir -p /scratch/tompkins/vectri/
$ cd /scratch/tompkins/vectri/
Now we are ready to run. The driver script for vectri is simply called vectri! If we call this script without arguments we get a helplist of instructions, let's try it (note that we need to use the $VECTRI path, but you can set up your own bash alias to point to the driver programme if you like):
$ $VECTRI/vectri
This should return the following message:
+++ welcome to /afs/ictp/home/t/tompkins/vectri/vectri
vectri usage
From version 1.5 in Feb 2019 the code has a simplified interface, (with additional options added in v1.9) - the code now only needs to have the names of the external files
-a : path/file, arguments file setting vectri options (default=./input/vectri.options) (note: If you change the input directory from the default using the -r option then you need to specify this option
-c : climate file name (can be grib or netcdf) - auto detect from .grb/.nc This file contains the temperature data, and optionally also the rainfall.
If you are using GRIB input, this file only contains the temperature data and you can optionally pass a second filename for the precipation using the -p option
-d : netcdf data file containing population (mandatory) - varname population/pop permanent breeding fraction (optional) - varname wperm land use category (optional) - varname lu/luc
-e : ensemble number Only needed if you are running an ensemble for bit reproducibility Random seed set using this ensemble member number
-g : force climfile format to be considered grib (default is netcdf otherwise if not .grb) (if filename passed with -c ends in .grb then this argument not required)
-h : print this usage message
-i : initfile (restart file name) if this is not set (or given file doesn't exist), artifical initial conditions are employed These set initial the PR to a default of 5 -n : namelist file path/name (default ./vectri.namelist)
-o : output filename (default vectri.nc)
-p : precipitation filename (needed for grib input) default filename is pr.grb
-r : location of input directory (default=./input)
-v : pass a set of namelist options as a string (alternative to editing vectri.options) example -v "nloopspinup=3,nlenspinup=180"
-z : text message output path/file (default is output to screen)
Now if you look in the data directory you will find that there are a some example files with which you can try to run vectri:
$ ls $VECTRI/data/*.nc
will reveal two files, take a look at them with ncview if you like:
vectri_fake_clim.nc vectri_fake_data.nc
One is a fake climate file and the other a fake data file.
Run vectri using these files as input:
$ vectri -c $VECTRI/data/vectri_fake_clim.nc -d $VECTRI/data/vectri_fake_data.nc
This should compile and run the model.