Regional and global climate modeling and diagnostics; global change; parameterizations of physical processes for regional and global circulation models; coupling of regional and general circulation models; anthropogenic climate change and natural climate variability; chemistry-climate interactions; tracer transport and aerosol modeling; climatic effects of aerosols; biosphere-atmosphere interactions; the hydrologic cycle.
Co-Principal Investigator: Regional Climate Modeling of the Great Lakes Region. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1990-1991.
Co-Investigator: Regional Climate Predictions of Possible Change for the Yucca Mountain Project. Department of Energy (DOE), 1990-1993.
Co-Principal Investigator: Generation of Regional Climate Change Scenarios for Europe, Eastern Asia and the United States. Modeling Evaluation Consortium for Climate Assessment (MECCA), funding from CRIEPI and ENEA, 1992-1994.
Co-Principal Investigator: Development of a Regional Climate Model for Europe. Climate of the 21st Century (C21C), European Union (EU), 1993-1995.
Co-Investigator: NCAR Project to Interface Modeling on Global and Regional Scales with Earth Observing System (EOS) Observations. National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA), 1990-1996.
Co-Principal Investigator: Development of Climate ChangeScenarios for Impact Assessments in the Great Lakes Region. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 1993-1995.
Co-Investigator: GENESIS Earth System Modeling Project. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1992-1997.
Co-Principal Investigator: A Modeling Study of the Regional Climate and Water Cycle of the Great Lakes Basin. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA/GCIP), 1995-1997.
Co-Principal Investigator: Development of a Nested Regional Model for the Conterminous United States and Formation of High Resolution Climate Change Scenarios with an Application to Crop Climate Models. Great Plains Regional Center for Global Environmental Change, Department of Energy (DOE), 1993-1997.
Co-Principal Investigator: Prediction of the Seasonal Climate Anomalies over Eastern Africa. National Science Foundation (NSF), 1995-1998.
Co-Principal Investigator: Modeling Anthropogenic Desiccation of the Aral Sea: A Unique Test of the Predictive Capabilities of a Regional Earth System Model. National Science Foundation (NSF), 1996-1998.
Co-Principal Investigator: Development of coupled climate, ecology, chemistry regional modeling activities for East Asia and study of environmental effects of anthropogenic activities over the region. Global Change Systems for Analysis, Research and Training (START)/ Asia Pacific Network (APN), 1996-1998.
Co-Principal Investigator: A Study of seasonal Rainfall Predictability for Tropical South America Using a Nested Modeling System. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 1998-2000.
Co-Investigator: The Yangtze Delta of China as an Evolving Metro-Agro-Plex (CHINA-MAP). National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1996-2001.
Co-Investigator: Development of a regional seasonal forecasting system. Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano (CESI), 2000-2001, 10,000 Euros.
Co-Investigator: Prediction of Regional Scenarios and Uncertainties for Defining European Climate Change Risks and Effects (PRUDENCE). European Union (EU), 2001-2004.
Co-Investigator: COLUMBUS project, Italy-USA collaboration agreement on Climate Change Research. Italian Ministry of Environment, 2003-2005, 205,000 Euros.
Co-Investigator: ENSEMBLE-Based Predictions of Climate Changes and their Impacts (ENSEMBLES). European Union (EU), 2004-2009, 205,500 Euros.
Co-Investigator: Central and Eastern Europe Climate Change Impact and VulnerabiLIty Assessment (CECILIA). European Union (EU), 2006-2008, 132,840 Euros.
Co-Investigator: WATer and global CHange (WATCH). European Union (EU), 2006-2010, 415,600 Euros.
Co-Investigator: Assessing Climatic change and impacts onthe Quantity and quality of Water (ACQWA). European Union (EU), 2008-2013, 200,000 Euros.
Co-Investigator: Megacities: Emissions, urban, regionaland Global Atmospheric POLlution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation (MEGAPOLI). European Union (EU), 2008-2011, 107,000 Euros.
Co-investigator. Development of regional climate change scenarios for the Mediterranean and studies of climate variability and predictability. Centro EuroMediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), 2008-2011, 200,000 Euros.