in the ISI Highly Cited Researcher list for Geosciences (top 0.5% of the most
highly cited scientists in Geosciences during the previous 20 years)
6900 citations (over 3800 from Þrst authored articles)
= 45
15 ScientiÞc Publications with 100 or more citations (9 Þrst
ScientiÞc Publications with 50 or more citations (23 Þrst authored)
1. Giorgi, F. , and W.L. Chameides, 1985: The rainout parameterization
in a photochemical model. Journal of
Geophysical Research, 90, 7872-7880.
2. Giorgi, F. , 1986: A particle dry
deposition parameterization scheme for use in tracer transport models. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91,
3. Giorgi, F. , and W.L. Chameides, 1986:
Rainout lifetimes of highly soluble aerosols and gases as inferred from
simulations with a general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 91, 14,367-14,376.
4. Giorgi, F. , 1988: Dry deposition
velocities of atmospheric aerosols as inferred by applying a particle dry
deposition parameterization to a general circulation model. Tellus B, 40B, 23-41.
5. Giorgi, F. , 1989: Two-dimensional
simulations of possible mesoscale effects of nuclear war Þres. I: Model description.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 94,
6. Giorgi, F. , and G. Visconti, 1989:
Two-dimensional simulations of possible mesoscale effects of nuclear war Þres.
II: Model Results. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 94, 1145-1163.
Dickinson, R.E., R.M. Errico, F. Giorgi,
and G.T. Bates, 1989: A regional climate model for the western United States. Climatic Change, 15, 383-422.
8. Giorgi, F. , and G.T. Bates, 1989: The climatological skill of a
regional model over complex terrain.
Weather Review, 117, 2325-2347.
9. Giorgi, F. , 1990: Sensitivity of
wintertime precipitation and soil hydrology simulation over the western United
States to lower boundary speciÞcations. Atmosphere-Ocean,
28, 1-23.
10. Giorgi, F. , 1990: Simulation of
regional climate using a limited area model nested in a general circulation
model. Journal of Climate, 3,
11. Giorgi, F. , M.R. Marinucci, and G.
Visconti, 1990: Use of a limited area model nested in a general circulation
model for regional climate simulation over Europe. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 18,413-18,431.
12. Pitman,
A.J., F. Giorgi, and A.
Henderson-Sellers, 1991: Southeast AustraliaÕs wintertime precipitation:
Sensitivity of climatic predictions to model resolution. Australian Meteorology Magazine, 39, 21-35.
13. Giorgi, F. , and L.O. Mearns, 1991: Approaches to regional climate
change simulation: A review.
of Geophysics, 29, 191-216.
14. Giorgi, F. , 1991: Sensitivity of
summertime precipitation over the western United States to model physics
parameterizations. Monthly Weather Review,
119, 2870-2888.
Hostetler, S.W., and F. Giorgi,
1991: Use of a regional atmospheric model to simulate lake-atmosphere feedbacks
associated with Pleistocene Lakes Lahontan and Bonneville. Climate Dynamics, 7, 39-44.
16. Giorgi, F. , and M.R. Marinucci, 1991:
Validation of a regional atmospheric model over Europe: Sensitivity of
wintertime and summertime simulations to selected physics parameterizations and
lower boundary conditions. Quarterly
Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 117, 1171-1207.
Marinucci, M.R., and F. Giorgi,
1992: A 2XCO2 climate change scenario over Europe generated using a limited
area model nested in a general circulation model I: Present day climate
simulation. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 97, 9989-10009.
18. Giorgi, F. , M.R. Marinucci, and G.
Visconti, 1992: A 2XCO2 climate change scenario over Europe generated using a limited
area model nested in a general circulation model II: Climate change scenario. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97,
19. Giorgi, F. , G.T. Bates, and S.J.
Nieman, 1992: Simulation of the arid climate of the southern Great Basin using
a regional climate model. Bulletin of the
American Meteorological Society, 73, 1807-1822.
20. Giorgi, F. , G.T. Bates, and S. Nieman,
1993: The multi-year surface climatology of a regional atmospheric model over
the western United States. Journal of
Climate, 6, 75-95.
Ferretti, R., G. Visconti and F. Giorgi,
1993: Chemistry and transport of sulphur compounds from large oil Þres studied
with a 2-D mesoscale model. Annales
Geophysicae, 11, 68-77.
22. Bates,
G.T., F. Giorgi and S.W. Hostetler,
1993: Towards the simulation of the effects of the Great Lakes on regional
climate .Monthly Weather Review, 121,
Hostetler, S.W., G.T. Bates, and F.
Giorgi, 1993: Interactive nesting of a lake thermal model within a regional
climate model for climate change studies. Journal
of Geophysical Research, 98, 5045-5057.
24. Giorgi, F. , M.R. Marinucci, and G.T.
Bates, 1993: Development of a second generation regional climate model
(REGCM2). Part I: Boundary layer and radiative transfer processes. Monthly Weather Review, 121,
25. Giorgi, F. , M.R. Marinucci, G.T.
Bates, and G. DeCanio, 1993: Development of a second generation regional
climate model (REGCM2). Part II: Convective processes and assimilation of
lateral boundary conditions. Monthly
Weather Review, 121, 2814-2832.
Hostetler, S.W. and F. Giorgi, 1993:
One-way coupling of landscape-scale hydrologic models with a regional climate
model: An assessment. Water Resources
Research, 29, 1685-1695.
27. Giorgi, F. , S.W. Hostetler and C.
Shields Brodeur, 1994: Analysis of the surface hydrology in a regional climate
model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal
Meteorological Society, 120, 161-184.
Hostetler, S.W., F. Giorgi, G.T.
Bates and P.J. Bartlein, 1994: The role of lake-atmosphere feedbacks in sustaining
paleolakes Bonneville and Lahontan 18,000 years ago. Science, 263, 665-668.
29. Giorgi, F. , C. Shields Brodeur, and
G.T. Bates, 1994: Regional climate change scenarios over the United States
produced with a nested regional climate model. Journal of Climate, 7, 375-399.
30. Semazzi,
F. Lin, Y.W. and F. Giorgi, 1994:
Effects of SST anomalies on Sahelian climate as simulated with a regional
climate model. Geophysical Research
Letters, 20, 2897-2900.
Verdecchia, M, G. Visconti, F. Giorgi
and M.R. Marinucci, 1994: Diurnal temperature range for a double carbon dioxide
concentration experiment: Analysis of possible physical mechanisms. Geophysical Research Letters, 21,
32. Liu, Y.,
F. Giorgi and W.M. Washington, 1994:
Simulation of summer monsoon climate over east Asia with an NCAR regional
climate model. Monthly Weather Review,
122, 2331-2348.
33. Seth,
A., F. Giorgi and R.E. Dickinson,
1994: Simulating ßuxes from heterogeneous land surface: Introducing a
vectorized version of the Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (VBATS). Journal of Geophysical Research, 99,
Beniston, M., M. Rebetez, F. Giorgi
and M.R. Marinucci, 1994: An analysis of regional climate change in
Switzerland. Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 49, 135-139.
35. Giorgi, F. , 1995: Perspectives for regional earth system modeling. Global and Planetary Change, 10,
Hostetler, S.W. and F. Giorgi, 1995:
Effects of 2XCO2 climate on two large lake systems: Pyramid Lake, Nevada, and
Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming. Global and
Planetary Change, 10, 43-54.
37. Mearns,
L.O., F. Giorgi, C. Shields Brodeur
and L. McDaniel, 1995: Analysis of the variability of daily precipitation in a
nested modeling experiment: comparison with observations and 2XCO2 results. Global and Planetary Change, 10, 55-78.
38. Bates,
G.T., S.W. Hostetler, and F. Giorgi,
1995: Two-year simulation of the great lakes region with a coupled modeling
system. Monthly Weather Review, 121,
39. Mearns
L.O., F. Giorgi, L. McDaniel and C.
Shields Brodeur, 1995: Analysis of daily variability and diurnal range of
temperature in a nested regional climate model: Comparison with observations
and doubled CO2 results.. Climate Dynamics, 11, 193-209 .
Famiglietti, J.S., B.H. Braswell and F.
Giorgi, 1995: Process controls and similarity in the U.S. continental-scale
hydrological cycle from EOF analysis of regional climate model simulations. Hydrological Processes, 9, 437-444.
41. Marinucci, M.R., F. Giorgi, M. Beniston, M. Wild, P.
Tschuck, A. Ohmura and A. Bernasconi, 1995: High resolution simulations of
January and July climate over the western alpine region with a nested regional
modeling system. Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 51, 119-138.
Hirakuchi, H., and F. Giorgi, 1995:
Multi-year present day and 2XCO2 simulations of monsoon-dominated climate over
eastern Asia and Japan with a regional climate model nested in a general
circulation model. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 100, 21,105-21,126.
43. Giorgi, F. , and M.R. Marinucci, 1996:
An investigation of the sensitivity of simulated precipitation to model
resolution and its implications for climate studies. Monthly Weather Review, 124, 148-166.
44. Giorgi, F. and M.R. Marinucci, 1996:
Improvements in the simulation of the surface climatology of the European
region with a nested modeling system. Geophysical
Research Letters, 23, 273-276.
45. Semazzi,
F.H.M, L. Sun and F. Giorgi, 1996:
Lake Victoria plays a role in modulating regional climate. IDEAL Bulletin,
Spring 1996, P4.
46. Seth,
A., and F. Giorgi, 1996: A
three-dimensional model study of organized mesoscale circulations induced by
vegetation. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 101, 7371-7392.
47. Giorgi, F. , L.O. Mearns, C. Shields
and L. Meyer, 1996: A regional model study of the importance of local vs.
remote controls in maintaining the drought 1988 and ßood 1993 conditions in the
central U.S. Journal of Climate, 9,
48. Kattenberg, G.A., F. Giorgi, H. Grassl, G.A. Meehl,
J.F.B. Mitchell, R. Stouffer, T. Tokioka, A. Weaver, and T. Wigley, 1996:
Climate Models - Projections of Future Climate. Chapter 6 of Climate Change 1995; The Science of Climate
Change, Contribution of Working Group I to the Second Assessment Report of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Edited by J.T. Houghton,
L.G. Meira Filho, B.A. Callander, N. Harris, A. Kattenberg and K. Maskell,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 285-357.
49. Giorgi, F. , J. W. Hurrell, M.R.
Marinucci and M. Beniston, 1997: Elevation signal in surface climate change: A
model study. Journal of Climate, 10,
50. Liu,
Y.Q., R. Avissar, and F. Giorgi,
1997: Simulation with the regional climate model RegCM2 of extremely anomalous
precipitation during the 1991 East-Asia ßood: An evaluation study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101,
51. Giorgi, F. , 1997: An approach for the
representation of surface heterogeneity in land-surface models. I: Theoretical
framework. Monthly Weather Review,
125, 1885-1899.
52. Giorgi, F. , 1997: An approach for the
representation of surface heterogeneity in land-surface models. I: Validation
and sensitivity experiments. Monthly
Weather Review, 125, 1900-1919.
53. Giorgi, F. , and R. Avissar, 1997:
The representation of heterogeneity effects in earth system modeling: Experience
from land surface modeling. Reviews of
Geophysics, 35, 413-438.
54. Giorgi, F. , G.A. Meehl, Kattenberg, H.
Grassl, J.F.B. Mitchell, R.Stouffer, T. Tokioka, A. Weaver, and T. Wigley,
1997: Simulation of regional climate change with global coupled climate models
and regional modeling techniques. In The Regional Impacts of Climate Change -
An Assessment of Vulnerability. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), Edited by R.T.Watson, M.G. Zinyowera, R.H. Moss, D.J. Dokken Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 427-437.
55. Kittel,
T.G.F., F. Giorgi and G.A. Meehl,
1998: Intercomparison of regional biases and doubled CO2 sensitivity of coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
experiments. Climate Dynamics, 14,
56. Seth A.
and F. Giorgi, 1998: The effect of
domain choice on summer precipitation simulation and sensitivity in a regional
climate model. Journal of Climate,
11, 2698-2712.
57. Giorgi, F. , L.O. Mearns, C. Shields,
and L. McDaniel, 1998: Regional nested model simulations of present day and
2XCO2 climate over the Central Plains of the U.S. Climatic Change, 40, 457-493.
58. Giorgi, F. and C. Shields, 1999: Tests
of precipitation parameterizations available in the latest version of the NCAR
regional climate model (RegCM) over the continental United States. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104,
59. Small,
E.E., F. Giorgi, and L.C. Sloan,
1999: Regional climate model simulation of precipitation in central Asia: Mean
and interannual variability. Journal of
Geophysical Research, 104, 6563-6582.
60. Small,
E.E., L.C. Sloan, S. Hostetler and F.
Giorgi, 1999: Simulating the water balance of the Aral Sea with a coupled
regional climate-lake model. Journal of
Geophysical Research, 104, 6583-6602.
61. Sun, L.,
F.H.M. Semazzi, F. Giorgi, and L.
Ogallo, 1999: Application of the NCAR regional climate model to eastern Africa.
Part I: Simulation of the short rains of 1988. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 6529-6548.
62. Sun, L.,
F.H.M. Semazzi, F. Giorgi, and L.
Ogallo, 1999: Application of the NCAR regional climate model to eastern Africa.
Part II: Simulation of interannual variability of short rains. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104,
63. Giorgi, F. , and L.O. Mearns, 1999:
Introduction to special section: Regional climate modeling revisited. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104,
64. Mearns,
L. O., I. Bogardi, F. Giorgi, I.
Matyasovszky, and M. Pilecki, 1999: Comparison of Climate Change Scenarios
Generated from Regional Climate Model Experiments and Statistical Downscaling. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104,
65. Qian, Y.
and F. Giorgi, 1999: Interactive
coupling of regional climate and sulfate aerosol models over eastern Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104,
66. Qian,
J.-H., F. Giorgi, and M.
Fox-Rabinowitz, 1999: Regional stretched grid generation and its application to
the NCAR RegCM. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 104, 6501-6513.
67. Kato,
H., H. Hirakuchi, K. Nishizawa and F.
Giorgi, 1999: The performance of NCAR RegCM in the simulation of June and
January climates over eastern Asia and the high resolution effect of the model.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 104,
68. Dai, A.,
F. Giorgi and K. Trenberth, 1999:
Observed and model simulated diurnal cycles of precipitation over the
contiguous United States. Journal of
Geophysical Research, 104, 6377-6402.
69. Giorgi, F. , Y. Huang, K. Nishizawa and
C. Fu, 1999: A seasonal cycle simulation over eastern Asia and its sensitivity
to radiative transfer and surface processes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, 6403-6423.
70. Chameides, W.C., L. Xingsheng,
T. Xiaoyan, Z. Xiuji, L. Chao, C.S. Kiang, J.St. John, R. Saylor, S.C. Liu,
K.S. Lam, T. Wang, F. Giorgi, 1999:
Is Ozone Pollution Affecting Crop Yields in China?. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 867-870.
71. Takle, E.S., W. J. Gutowski,
R.W. Arritt, Z. Pan, C.J. Anderson, R.R. da Silva, D. Caya, S.-C.Chen, F. Giorgi, J.H. Christensen, S.-Y.
Hong, H.-M. H. Juang, J. Katzfey, W.M. Lapenta, R. Laprise, G.E. Liston, P.
Lopez, J. McGregor, R.A. Pielke, J.O. Roads, 1999: Project to Intercompare
Regional Climate Simulations (PIRCS): Description and Initial Results. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104,
Chameides, W.L., S.C. Liu, Yu Hongbin, M. Bergin, Zhou Xiuji, L.O. Mearns, Wei
Gao, C.S. Kiang, R.D. Saylor, Luo Chao, Yan Huang, A. Steiner, F. Giorgi, 1999: A case study of the
effects of atmospheric aerosols and regional haze on agriculture: An
opportunity to enhance crop yelds in China through emission controls? Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 96, 13,626-13,633.
73. Giorgi, F. and R. Francisco, 2000:
Uncertainties in regional climate change prediction: A regional analysis of
ensemble simulations with the HADCM2 coupled AOGCM. Climate Dynamics, 16, 169-182.
74. Giorgi, F. and R. Francisco, 2000:
Evaluating uncertainties in the prediction of regional climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 27,
75. Qian, Y.
and F. Giorgi, 2000: Regional
climatic effects of anthropogenic aerosols? The case of Southwestern China. Geophysical Research Letters, 27,
76. Giorgi, F. and X. Bi, 2000: A study of
internal variability of a regional climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 29503-29521.
77. Gutowski, W., R. Arritt, E.
Takle, Z. Pan, F. Giorgi, J.
Christensen, S. Hong, W. Lapenta, G.
Liston, J. McGregor and J. Roads,
2000: Project to Intercompare Regional Climate Simulations (PIRCS):
Advancing the CLIVAR agenda.
CLIVAR Exchanges, 5, 13-15.
78. Small,
E.E, F. Giorgi, L. Cirbus Sloan and
S. Hostetler, 2001: The effects of desiccation and climatic change on the
hydrology of the Aral Sea. Journal of
Climate, 14, 300-322.
79. Kato,
H., K. Nishizawa, H. Hirakuchi, S. Kadokura, N. Oshima and F. Giorgi, 2001: Performance of RegCM2.5/NCAR-CSM nested system for
the simulation of climate change in East Asia caused by global warming. Journal of the Meteorological Society of
Japan, 79, 99-121.
80. Qian,
Y., F. Giorgi, Y. Huang, W.L.
Chameides and C. Luo, 2001: Simulation of anthropogenic sulfur over East Asia
with a regional coupled chemistry-climate model. Tellus B, 53B, 171-191.
81. Giorgi, F. , B. Hewitson, J.H.
Christensen, M. Hulme, H. vonStorch,P. Whetton, R. Jones, L.O. Mearns and C.
Fu, 2001: Regional Climate Information - Evaluation and Projections. Chapter 10
of Climate Change 2001; The ScientiÞc
Basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Edited by J.T. Houghton, Y.
Ding, D.J. Griggs, M. Noguer, P.J. van der Linden and D. Xiaoxu, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 583-638.
82. Giorgi, F. , P.W. Whetton, R.G. Jones,
J.H. Christensen, L.O. Mearns, B. Hewitson, H. vonStorch, R. Francisco and C.
Jack, 2001: Emerging patterns of simulated regional climatic changes for the
21st century due to anthropogenic forcings. Geophysical
Research Letters, 28, 3317-3320.
83. Gao, X.,
Z. Zhao, Y. Ding, R. Huang and F. Giorgi,
2001: Climate change due to greenhouse effects in China as simulated by a
regional climate model. Advances in
Atmospheric Sciences, 18, 1224-1230.
Chameides, W.L., C. Luo, R. Saylor, D. Streets, Y. Huang,M. Bergin and F. Giorgi, 2002: Correlation between
model-calculated anthropogenic aerosols and satellite-derived cloud optical
depths: Indication of indirect effects? Journal
of Geophysical Research, 107, 4085, doi:10.1029/2000JD000208.
85. Giorgi, F. , 2002: Variability and
trends of sub-continental scale surface climate in the twentieth century. Part
I: Observations. Climate Dynamics,
18, 675-691.
86. Giorgi, F. , 2002: Variability and trends
of sub-continental scale surface climate in the twentieth century. Part II:
AOGCM simulations. Climate Dynamics,
18, 693-708.
87. Giorgi, F. , and L.O. Mearns, 2002:
Calculation of average, uncertainty range and reliability of regional climate
changes from AOGCM simulations via the ÒReliability Ensemble Averaging (REA)Ó
method. Journal of Climate, 15,
88. Gao, X.,
Z. Zhao, and F. Giorgi, 2002:
Changes of extreme events in regional climate simulations over East Asia. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 19,
89. Giorgi, F. , X. Bi and Y. Qian, 2002:
Direct radiative forcing and regional climatic effects of anthropogenic
aerosols over east Asia: A regional coupled climate-chemistry/aerosol model
study. Journal of Geophysical Research,
107, 4439, doi:10.1029/2001JD001066.
90. Giorgi, F. , 2002: Dependence of
surface climate interannual variability on spatial scale. Geophysical Research Letters, 29, 2101, doi: 10.1029/2002GL016175.
Christensen, J.H., T.R. Carter and F.
Giorgi, 2002: PRUDENCE employs new methods to assess European climate
change. EOS, 83, 147.
92. Leung,
L.R., L.O. Mearns, F. Giorgi and
R.L. Wilby, 2003: Regional Climate Research: Needs and Opportunities. Bulletin of the American Meteorological
Society, 82, 89-95.
93. Giorgi, F. , R. Francisco and J. Pal,
2003: Effects of a sub-grid scale topography and land-use scheme on surface
climate and hydrology. Part I: Effects of temperature and water vapor
disaggregation. Journal of
Hydrometeorology, 4, 317-333.
Anderson, C.J., R.W. Arritt, E.S. Takle, Z. Pan, W.J. Gutowski, Jr. , R. Silva,
D. Caya, S.-C. Chen, J.H. Christensen, D. Luthi, M.A. Gaertner, F. Giorgi, G. Grell, S.-Y. Hong, C.
Jones, H.-M. H. Juang, J.J. Katzfey, W. M. La Penta, R. Laprise, G. Liston,
J.L. McGregor, R.A. Pielke, Sr., J.A. Prego, J.O. Roads, J. Taylor, 2003:
Hydrologic processes in regional climate model simulations of the Central
United States ßood of June-July 1993. Journal
of Hydrometeorology, 4, 584-598.
95. Giorgi, F. , X. Bi and Y. Qian, 2003:
Indirect vs. direct effects of anthropogenic sulfate on the climate of east
Asia as simulated with a regional coupled climate-chemistry/aerosol model. Climatic Change, 58, 345-376.
96. Giorgi, F. , and L.O. Mearns, 2003:
Probability of regional climate change calculated using the Reliability
Ensemble Averaging (REA) method. Geophysical
Research Letters, 30, 1629, doi:10.1029/2003GL017130.
97. Gao, X.,
Y. Luo, W. Lin, Z. Zhao, and F. Giorgi,
2003: Simulation of effects of landuse change on climate in China by a regional
climate model. Advances in Atmospheric
Sciences, 20, 583-592.
98. Qian,
Y., L.R. Leung, S.J. Ghan and F. Giorgi,
2003: Regional climate effects of aerosols over China: Modeling and observations. Tellus B, 55B, 914-934.
99. Mearns,
L.O., F. Giorgi, L. McDaniel and C.
Shields, 2003: Climate Scenarios for the Southeast U.S. based on GCM and
Regional Model Simulations. Climatic
Change, 60, 7-35.
Tomassetti, B., F. Giorgi, G.
Visconti and M. Verdecchia, 2003: Regional model simulation of the
hydrometeorological effects of the Fucino Lake on the surrounding region. Annales Geophysicae, 21, 2219-2232.
101. Clark,
I., P. Assamoi, J. Bertrand and F.
Giorgi, 2004: Characterization of potential zones of dust generation in the
southern Sahara. Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 77, 173-184.
102. Giorgi, F. , X. Bi and J.S. Pal, 2004:
Mean, interannual variability and trends in a regional climate change
experiment over Europe. Part I: Present day climate (1961-1990). Climate Dynamics, 22, 733-756.
103. Pal,
J.S., F. Giorgi and X. Bi, 2004:
Consistency of recent European summer precipitation trends and extremes with
future regional climate projections. Geophysical
Research Letters, 31, L13202, doi:10.1029/2004GL019836.
Busuioc, A., M. Ionita, F. Giorgi
and X. Bi, 2004: Analysis of dynamical and statistical down-scaling approaches
for generating winter precipitation change scenarios over Romania. Romanian Journal of Meteorology, 6,
105. Giorgi, F. , X. Bi and J.S. Pal, 2004:
Mean, interannual variability and trends in a regional climate change
experiment over Europe. Part II: Future climate scenarios (2071-2100). Climate Dynamics, 23, 839-858.
106. Giorgi, F. , 2005: Interdecadal
variability of regional climate change: Implications for the development of
regional climate change scenarios. Meteorology
and Atmospheric Physics, 89, 1-15.
107. Giorgi, F. and X. Bi, 2005: Regional changes in surface climate
interannual variability for the 21st century from ensembles of global model
simulations. Geophysical Research Letters,
32, L13701, doi: 10.1029/2005GL023002.
Bojariu, R., and F. Giorgi, 2005:
The North Atlantic Oscillation signal in a regional climate simulation for the
European region. Tellus A, 57A,
Steiner, A., J.S. Pal, F. Giorgi,
R.E. Dickinson and W.L. Chameides, 2005: Coupling of the Common Land Model
(CLM0) to a regional climate model (RegCM2). Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 82, 225-243.
110. Deque, M., R.G. Jones, M. Wild,
F. Giorgi, J.H. Christensen, D.C.
Hassell, P.L. Vidale, B.
Rockel, D.
Jacob, E. Kjellstrom, M. de Castro, F. Kucharski and B. van den Hurk, 2005:
Global high resolution versus limited area model climate change scenarios over
Europe: quantifying conÞdence level from PRUDENCE results. Climate Dynamics, 25, 653-670.
Diffenbaugh, N.S., J.S. Pal, R.J. Trapp and F. Giorgi, 2005: Fine-scale processes regulate the response of
extreme events to global climate change. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, 102, 15774-15778.
112. Giorgi, F. and X. Bi, 2005: Updated regional precipitation and temperature
changes for the
21st century
from ensembles of recent AOGCM simulations. Geophysical
Research Letters, 32, L21715, doi:10.1029/2005GL024288.
113. Giorgi, F. , 2005:
Climate change prediction. Climatic
Change, 73, 239-265.
Coppola, E., F. Kucharski, F. Giorgi
and F. Molteni, 2005: Bimodality of the North Atlantic Oscillation in
simulations with greenhouse gas forcing. Geophysical
Research Letters, 32, L23709, doi:10.1029/2005GL024080.
Coppola, E. and F. Giorgi, 2005:
Climate change in tropical regions from high resolution time slice AGCM
experiments. Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Meteorological Society, 131 B, 3123-3146.
116. Gao,
X., J.S. Pal and F. Giorgi, 2006:
Projected changes in mean and extreme precipitation over the Mediterranean region
from high resolution double nested RCM simulations. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L03706, doi:10.1029/2005GL024954.
117. Solmon,
F., F. Giorgi and C. Liousse, 2006:
Development of a regional anthropogenic aerosol model for climate studies:
Application and validation over a European/African domain. Tellus B, 58, 51-72.
Elguindi, N., and F. Giorgi, 2006:
Simulating multi-decadal variability of Caspian Sea level changes using
regional climate model outputs.Climate
Dynamics, 26, 167-181.
119. Pelino,
V., A. Matera, T. Colombo and F. Giorgi,
2006: Validation of precipitation events in a regional climate model simulation
using methods from complexity theory.Theoretical
and Applied Climatology, 84, 213-218.
Elguindi, N. and F. Giorgi, 2006:
Projected changes in the Caspian Sea Level for the 21st century. Geophysical Research Letters, 33,
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121. Giorgi, F. , 2006: Climate change
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33, L08707, doi: 10.1029/2006GL025734.
122. White,
M.A., N.S. Diffenbaugh, G.V. Jones, J.S. Pal and F. Giorgi, 2006: Extreme heat reduces and shifts United States
premium wine production in the 21stcentury. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, 11217-11222.
123. Jha,
M., J.G. Arnold, P.W. Gassman, F. Giorgi
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River Basin streamßows using SWAT. Journal
of the American Water Resources Association, 42, 997-1016.
Boroneant, C., G. Plaut, F. Giorgi
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weather regimes simulated by a regional climate model: Present day and future
climate scenarios. Theoretical and
Applied Climatology, 86, 81-99.
Busuioc, A., F. Giorgi, X. Bi and M.
Ionita, 2006: Comparison of regional climate model and statistical downscaling
simulations of different winter precipitation change scenarios over Romania. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 86,
126. Syed,
F., F. Giorgi and J.S. Pal, 2006:
Effect of remote forcings on the winter precipitation of central southwest
Asia. Part I: Observations Theoretical
and Applied Climatology, 86, 147-160.
127. Gao,
X., Y. Xu, Z.-C. Zhao, J.S. Pal and F.
Giorgi, 2006: On the role of resolution and topography in the simulation of
East Asia precipitation. Theoretical and
Applied Climatology, 86, 173-185.
128. Im,
E.-S., E.-H. Park, W.-T. Kwon and F.
Giorgi, 2006: Present climate simulation over Korea with a regional climate
model using a one-way double-nested system. Theoretical
and Applied Climatology, 86, 187-200.
Francisco, R.V., J. Argete, F. Giorgi,
J.S. Pal, X. Bi and W. J. Gutowski, 2006: Regional model simulation of summer
rainfall over the Philippines. Theoretical
and Applied Climatology, 86, 215-227.
130. Giorgi, F. , J.S. Pal, X. Bi, L. Sloan,
N. Elguindi and F. Solmon, 2006: Introduction to the TAC Special Issue: The
RegCNET network. Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 86, 1-4.
131. Zakey,
A.S., F. Solmon and F. Giorgi, 2006:
Development and testing of a desert dust module in a regional climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6,
132. Giorgi, F. , 2006: Regional climate modeling: Status and
Perspectives. Journal de Physique,
IV, 139, 101-118.
133. Chow,
K.C., J.C.L. Chan, J.S. Pal and F.
Giorgi, 2006: Convection suppression criteria applied to the MIT cumulus
parameterizatoin scheme for simulating the Asian summer monsoon. Geophysical Research Letters, 33,
L24709, doi:10.1029/2006GL028026.
Elguindi, N., and F. Giorgi, 2007:
Simulating future Caspian Sea level changes using regional climate model
outputs. Climate Dynamics, 28,
135. Gao,
X., D. Zhang, Z.X. Chen, J.S. Pal and F.
Giorgi, 2007: Simulation of land use effects on climate in China by RegCM3.
Science in China, Series D - Earth
Sciences, 50, 620-628.
136. Deque,
M., D.P. Rowell, D. Luthi, F. Giorgi,
J.H. Christensen, B. Rockel, D. Jacob, E. Kjellstrom, M. de Castro and B. van
den Hurk, 2007: An intercomparison of regional climate simulations for Europe:
Assessing uncertainties in model projections. Climatic Change, 81, 53-70.
137. Jacob,
D., L. Barring, O.B. Christensen, J.H. Christensen, M. de Castro, M. Deque, F. Giorgi, S. Hagemann, M. Hirschi, R.
Jones, E. Kjellstrom, G. Lenderink, B. Rockel, E.S. Sanchez, C. Schar, S.I.
Seneviratne, S. Somot, A. van Ulden, B. van den Hurk, 2007: An inter-comparison
of regional climate models for Europe: design of the experiments and model
performance. Climatic Change, 81,
138. Im,
E.-S., W.-T.. Kwon, J.-B. Ahn and F.
Giorgi, 2007: Multi-decadal scenario simulation over Korea using a RegCM3
one-way double-nested system. Part 1: Recent climate simulation (1971-2000). Climate Dynamics, 28, 759-780.
Diffenbaugh, N.S., J.S. Pal, F. Giorgi
and X. Gao, 2007: Heat stress intensiÞcation in the Mediterranean climate
change Hotspot. Geophysical Research
Letters, 34, L11706, doi:10.1029/2007GL030000.
140. Pal,
J.S., F. Giorgi, X. Bi, N. Elguindi,
F. Solmon, X. Gao, R. Francisco, A. Zakey, J. Winter, M. Ashfaq, F. Syed, J.
Bell, N. Diffenbaugh, J. Karmacharya, A. Konare, D. Martinez-Castro, R. PorÞrio
da Rocha, L. Sloan and A. Steiner, 2007: Regional climate modeling for the
developing world: The ICTP RegCM3 and RegCNET. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88, 1395-1409.
141. Giorgi, F. , and E. Coppola, 2007:
European Climate-change Oscillation (ECO). Geophysical
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Lionello, P., and F. Giorgi, 2007:
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in Geosciences, 12, 153-158.
143. Meleux,
F., F. Solmon and F. Giorgi, 2007:
Increase in summer European ozone amounts due to climate change. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 7577-7587.
144. Giorgi, F. , and F. Meleux, 2007:
Modeling the regional effects of climate change on air quality. Comptes Rendus - Geoscience, 339, 721-733.
145. Grimm,
A.M., J.S. Pal and F. Giorgi, 2007:
Connection between spring conditions and peak summer monsoon rainfall in South
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Brazil. Journal of Climate, 20,
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Raymond and X. Bi, 2007: Indicators of 21st century socioclimatic exposure. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 104, 20195-20198.
147. Piani,
C., B. Sanderson, F. Giorgi, D.J.
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forecasts from a multi-thousand, multi-model ensemble of simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112,
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148. Zhang,
D.F., L.C. Ouyang, X.J. Gao, F. Giorgi
and J.S. Pal, 2007: Simulation of the atmospheric circulation over East Asia
and climate in China by RegCM3. Journal
of Tropical Meteorology, 23, 444-452.
149. Im,
E.-S., J.-B. Ahn, W.-T.. Kwon, and F.
Giorgi, 2008: Multi-decadal scenario simulation over Korea using a RegCM3
one-way double-nested system. Part 2: Future climate projection (2021-2050). Climate Dynamics, 30, 239-254.
150. Giorgi, F. , 2008: A simple equation for regional climate change
and associated uncertainties. Journal of
Climate, 21, 1589-1604.
151. Lionello,
P., U. Boldrin and F. Giorgi, 2008:
Cyclone climatology over Europe from a regional climate change simulation. Climate Dynamics, 30, 657-671.
152. Giorgi, F. , 2008: Regionalization of
climate change information for impact assessment and adaptation. WMO Bulletin, 57, 86-92.
153. Giorgi, F. and N.S. Diffenbaugh, 2008:
Developing regional climate change scenarios for use in assessment of human
health and disease impacts. Climate
Research, 36, 141-151.
154. Gao,
X., and F. Giorgi, 2008: Increased
aridity in the Mediterranean region under greenhouse gas forcing estimated from
high resolution regional climate projections. Global and Planetary Change, 62, 195-209.
155. Konare,
A., A.S. Zakey, F. Solmon, F. Giorgi,
S. Rauscher, S. Ibrah and X. Bi, 2008: A regional climate modeling study of the
effect of desert dust on the West African monsoon. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, D12206,
156. Im
E.-S., W.J. Gutowski and F. Giorgi,
2008: Consistent changes in twenty-Þrst century daily precipitation from
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parameterizations. Geophysical Research
Letters, 35, L14706, doi:10.1029/2008GL034126.
157. Zakey,
A.S., F. Giorgi and X. Bi, 2008:
Modeling of sea-salt in a regional climate model: Fluxes and radiative forcing. Journal of Geophysical Research, 113,
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158. Gao,
X., Y. Shi, R. Song and F. Giorgi,
Y. Wang, D. Zhang, 2008: Reduction of future monsoon precipitation over China:
Comparison between a high resolution RCM simulation and the driving GCM. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,
100, 73-86.
159. Diffenbaugh, N.S., F. Giorgi and J.S. Pal, 2008: Climate
change hotspots in the United States. Geophysical
Research Letters, 35, L16709, doi:10.1029/2008GL035075.
Rauscher, S.A., F. Giorgi, N.S.
Diffenbaugh and A. Seth, 2008: Extension and intensiÞcation of the
meso-American mid-summer drought in the 21st Century. Climate Dynamics, 31, 551-571.
161. Giorgi,
F. , and P. Lionello, 2008: Climate change projections for the
Mediterranean region. Global and
Planetary Change, 63, 90-104.
162. Giorgi, F. , N.S. Diffenbaugh, X.J.
Gao, E. Coppola, S.K. Dash, O. Frumento, I. Seidou Sanda, S.A. Rauscher, A. Remedio,
A. Steiner, B. Sylla, and A.S. Zakey, 2008: Exploring uncertainties in regional
climate change: The Regional Climate Change Hyper-Matrix Framework. EOS, in press.
163. Solmon
F., M. Mallet, N. Elguindi, F. Giorgi,
A.S. Zakey, A. Konare, 2008: Dust aerosol impact on regional precipitation over
western Africa, mechanisms and sensitivity to absorption properties. Geophysical Research Letters, 35,
L24705, doi:10.1029/2008GL035900.
164. Giorgi, F. , and E. Coppola, 2008:
Projections of 21st century climate over Europe. European Physical Journal, Special Topics, in press.
165. Salon,
S., G. Cossarini, S. Libralato, X. Gao, C. Solidoro, and F. Giorgi, 2009: A downscaling experiment for the lagoon of Venice.
Part I: Validation of the present day precipitation climatology. Climate Research, 38, 31-41.
Cossarini, G., S. Salon, S. Libralato, X. Gao, F. Giorgi and C. Solidoro, 2009: A downscaling experiment for the
lagoon of Venice. Part II: Testing potential impacts of changes in
precipitation patterns on biogeochemical properties. Climate Research, 38, 43-59.
Rauscher S.A., C. Covey, A. Henderson Sellers and F. Giorgi, 2009: Developing know-how on regional climate change
research. Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society, in press.
168. Coppola,
E. and F. Giorgi, 2009: An
assessment of temperature and precipitationange projections over Italy from
recent global and regional climate model simulations. International Journal of Climatology, in press.
169. Ratnam
J.V, F. Giorgi, A. Kaginalkar and S.
Cozzini, 2009: Simulation of the Indian monsoon using the RegCM3-ROMS regional
coupled model. Climate Dynamics, in
170. Torma,
C., J. Bartholy, R. Pongracz, Z. Barcza, E. Coppola, and F. Giorgi, 2009: Sensitivity of the RegCM3 climate model for the Carpathian
Basin. Journal Idojaras, in press.
171. Zhang,
D., A.S. Zakey, X. Gao and F. Giorgi,
2009: Simulation of dust aerosol and its regional feedbacks over East Asia
using a regional climate model. Atmospheric
Chemistry and Physics, in press.
172. Tomassetti,
B., M. Verdecchia and F. Giorgi,
2009: NN5: A neural network based approach for the downscaling of precipitation
Þelds. Model description and preliminary results. Journal of Hydrology, in press.
Faggian, P., and F. Giorgi, 2009: An
analysis of global model projections over Italy, with particular attention to
the Italian Greater Alpine Region. Climatic
Change, in press.
174. Gao,
X.J., Y. Shi and F. Giorgi, 2009: A
high resolution simulation of climate change over China. Science
in China, Series D Ð Earth Sciences, in
175. Steiner,
A.L., J.S. Pal, S.A. Rauscher, J.L. Bell, N.S. Diffenbaugh, F. Giorgi and S.L. Sloan, 2009: Land
surface coupling in regional climate simulations of the West African monsoon.
Submitted to Climate Dynamics.
Diffenbaugh N.S., F. Giorgi, M.D. Mastrandrea
and G.E. Shively, 2009: Reducing national-level exposure to climate stress
requires both economic development and greenhouse gas mitigation. Submitted to Environmental Research Letters.
177. Ying,
X., X. Gao and F. Giorgi, 2009:
Regional variability of climate change hot-spots in East Asia. Submitted to Climate Research.
178. Syed F.S., F. Giorgi, J.S. Pal and K. Keay, 2009: Regional climate model
simulation of winter climate over central Southwest Asia, with emphasis on NAO
and ENSO effects. Submitted to International
Journal of Climatology.
179. Giorgi, F., and X. Bi, 2009: The Time of emergence (TOE) of
GHG-forced precipitation change Hot-spots. Submitted to Geophysical Research Letters.
180. Xu, Y., X. Gao and F. Giorgi, 2009: Upgrades to the REA
method for producing probabilistic climate change projectcions. Submitted to Climate Research.
181. Rauscher, S.A., E. Coppola, C.
Piani and F. Giorgi, 2009:
Resolution effect of regional climate model simulation of precipitation over
Europe. Part I: Seasonal. Submitted to Climate
182. Artale, V., S. Calmanti, A.
Carillo, A. DellÕAquila, M. Hermann, G. Pisacane, P.M. Ruti, G. Sannino, M.V.
Striglia, F. Giorgi, X. Bi, J.S.
Pal, S. Rauscher, 2009: An Atmosphere-Ocean Regional Climate Model for the
Mediterranean area: Assessment of a present climate simulation. Submitted to Climate Dynamics.
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15. Giorgi, F. and R. Francisco, 2001:
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16. Giorgi, F. , 2001: Modelling Regional
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17. Mearns,
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7. Matthews,
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8. Bates,
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9. Giorgi, F. , G.T. Bates and S.J.
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10. Bates,
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11. Liu, Y. F. Giorgi and W.M. Washington, 1994:
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16. Bates,
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17. Giorgi, F. , J.W. Hurrell, M.R.
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