Physics Seminar
2013 Academic Year
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Time: 15.30
Meeting Room,
Second Floor, Leonardo Building
Regulation of Cellular Processes:
From Pathways to Multi-Cell Systems(*)
Somdatta Sinha (**)
Computational Biology Group, Department of Biological Sciences
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research (IISER) Mohali, India
(*) Summary: All
cellular processes are highly regulated to optimise their function in
the face of extrinsic and intrinsic noise. Multiple designs of
regulation with positive and negative feedbacks are observed in
intracelllular biochemical pathways and cell-cell interactions in
multi-cell systems (e.g., tissues). Even though much of the details of
cellular processes are known experimentally, the emergent functional
dynamics of different designs of regulation in pathways and multi-cell
systems, and their implications in cellular behaviour are largely
overlooked for differences in their organisational scales. I will
discuss our work on model pathways with different regulatory designs,
and the emergent spatiotemporal dynamics exhibited by interacting cells
having such regulated pathways. I will then show how, designing,
modelling, and experimentally validating a small circuit,
developed based on naturally occurring intracellular biochemical
pathways, can give valuable insights into cellular functions.
(**) Biodata: Professor
Somdatta Sinha's research interests cover several areas in
Theoretical biology, Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems with a view
to understand the logic and design of biological processes. Her group
analyses the evolution and maintenance of spatiotemporal organization
in biological systems spanning multiple space-time scales - from
ecological to genetic. The primary approach is mathematical modelling,
but they also perform computational analysis of genomes and protein
sequences to extract structural, functional and evolutionary
information. Along with finding general principles of controlling
dynamics and synchronisation in biological systems, they specifically
model regulation in biochemical pathways, evolution of pathways, and
collective behaviour in cells. They use networks to describe protein
structure-function and have focussed on those functional changes which
yield insignificant variations in three-dimensional structures. One of
the major focus of her group has been ecological and epidemiological
modelling. They use genomic analysis to population-based mathematical
and statistical models to understand the evolution and prevalence of
infectious diseases (HIV and Malaria).