Seminar of the Applied Physics Scientific Section

2012 Academic Year

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Time: 15.30

Oppenheimer Meeting Room, Second Floor, Leonardo Building

A model of the Mars ionosphere (*)

Beatriz Sánchez–Cano (**)
Department of Physics of the Earth, Astronomy and Astrophysics I, Faculty of Physics, University Complutense of Madrid, Spain

(*) Summary. The ionosphere of Mars has been an important subject of research over the last 40 years within the framework of our current knowledge of planetary atmospheres and ionospheres physics. This seminar will introduce the main characteristics of the Mars atmosphere and will describe a model of the Mars ionosphere electron density profile based on MARSIS ionospheric sounder of the European Mars Express mission.

(**) Biodata. Beatriz Sánchez–Cano is currently a PhD. Student of the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain and a scientific member of the MEIGA-METNET PRECURSOR mission, whose main objective is to deploy a network of meteorological stations on the Mars surface to measure, among other parameters, the surface magnetic field of Mars. Her research is being carried out with a fellowship of the University Complutense of Madrid in collaboration with the Telecommunications/ICT for Development Laboratory of the ICTP and the centers ESTEC and ESAC of the European Space Agency.