Seminar of the Applied Physics Scientific Section

2011 Academic Year

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Time: 11.00 AM

Luigi Stasi Seminar Room, First Floor, Leonardo Building

Overview of Current and Future Research and Development activities of the Nuclear Spectrometry and Applications Laboratory (NSAL), Physics Section, IAEA (*)

Andreas-Germanos Karydas  (**)
IAEA, Physics Section, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Vienna, Austria

(*) Summary. The research and development activities of the Nuclear Spectrometry and Applications Laboratory (NSAL), Physics Section, IAEA, would be reviewed with emphasis on the existing infrastructure and recent/on-going work with respect to portable micro-XRF spectrometers, scanning micro-XRF analysis, laboratory-source based 3D micro-XRF analysis, phase contrast tomography and low-cost digital signal processing modules. In view of the scheduled development of a multipurpose Ultra High Vacuum Chamber for the synergistic application of different x-ray spectrometric techniques under different excitation modes (laboratory x-ray source, charged particle beams and synchrotron radiation), the objectives of this project would be presented.  

(**) Biodata. Dr. Andreas-Germanos Karydas is a ‘Principal Investigator’ at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. Currently he is serving as leader of the XRF group at the Nuclear Spectrometry and Applications Laboratory of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) laboratories, Seibersdorf, Austria.

    He studied Physics at the Physics Department of the University of Athens and he received his PhD on Analytical Applications of Nuclear Techniques from the Main Physics Department, National Technical University of Athens. His current research activities are focused to the study of various atomic fundamental phenomena. In the field of interdisciplinary applications of the X-ray and Ion Beam analytical techniques his current research activities are related to the study and methodological development of confocal micro-PIXE, the  external ion-beam analysis set-up for the diagnostic examination and analysis of cultural heritage artifacts/artworks and the study of fundamental atomic phenomena and interactions.

    He has contributed in the development of prototype portable/handheld XRF spectrometers and of micro-XRF analytical methodologies. He has published 64 articles in refereed journals and 43 in special editions, books and conference proceedings.

    He is a member of the X-Ray Spectrometry International Advisory Board. Andreas Karydas has acted as coordinator or as scientific responsible for NCSRD of European funded FP6 and national projects, mainly in the fields of cultural heritage, conservation science and of ion-beam analytical techniques.