Seminar of Physics of the Living State

(The Applied Physics Scientific Section)

2011 Academic Year

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Time: 15.30

Oppenheimer Meeting Room, Terrace Level, Leonardo Building

Systems Biology:
Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations 

Armen H. Poghosyan (**)
Bioinformatics Group
 The International Scientific - Educational Center of N.A.S.,

(*) Summary. During the last decade, with the increase of computational power, the atomic scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations show excellent results in modeling various phenomena. The complex surfactant systems, which can serve as simple models of biological membranes, have a wide range of applications in almost all fields from drug delivery to oil industry. By means of the MD method the investigation of surfactant/polymer complexes have been carried out. The MD simulation of self-organization phenomena of surfactant systems have been also completed.

(**) Biodata. Dr. Armen Poghosyan did his PhD in Physics at the Yerevan State University in 2000 and has been working in the field of Systems Biology. He has taught courses at undergraduate and post graduate level related to bioinformatics at the International Scientific and Educational Center (ISEC) and Yerevan State University. Currently, Dr. Poghosyan is the Bioinformatics Group Leader at ISEC as well as Junior Associate of the ICTP since 2005. Dr. Poghosyan has published numerous scientific papers and conference proceedings.

       He won an INTAS Young Scientist award and as a fellow he has visited Henry Poincare University (Nancy, France -2004) and Halle-Wittenberg University (Germany in the year 2005). Subsequently, he won the President Prize of Republic of Armenia in the field of Natural Science (Best research on Natural Science for the year 2007). His research interests are computational biophysics and molecular dynamics simulation of complex systems.