Seminar of Physics of the Living State

(The Applied Physics Scientific Section)

2011 Academic Year

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Time: 15.30

Oppenheimer Meeting Room, Second Floor, Leonardo Building

A New Member of the Astrobiology Community (*)

Jorge Bueno and Andres Moreno (**)
Instituto de Astrobiologia de Colombia (IAC)
Bogota, Colombia

(*) Summaries.

Part 1. In november 2010 the NASA Astrobiology Institute accepted an Affiliate Partnership proposal from the Instituto de Astrobiologia in Bogota, Colombia (IAC). The NAI and IAC envision working together initially in three areas: (1) programs to engage and train students and young researchers in Astrobiology; (2) the development of Spanish-language astrobiology materials for use in the United States and in Latin America; and (3) microbiology and related research in organisms from extreme environments.

Part 2. In research IAC has already started the first investigations on extreme environments and extremophiles. In Education, the Institute has convinced the main colleges, education centers and universities to include astrobiology programs in their curricula. In outreach, the Institute has organized different activities, such as the First International Congress of Astrobiology and several Astrobiology courses, as well as programs on astrobiology.


(**) Biodata: 

Jorge Enrique Bueno Prieto is a biologist at the Department of Biology, National University of Colombia. He is the General Director of the Affiliate Partner of the NASA Astrobiology Institute—the Instituto de Astrobiologia—in Bogota, Colombia. His areas of expertise are the extreme environments and evolutionary ecology.

Andres Moreno is a Biologist working at the
Department of Biology,
National University of Colombia. He is the  Subirector of the Affiliate Partner of the NASA Astrobiology Institute—the Instituto de Astrobiologia—in Bogota, Colombia. His area of expertise is in enzyme activity in soils.