Seminar of the Applied Physics Scientific Section

2010 Academic Year

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Oppenheimer Lecture Room, Second Floor, Leonardo Building

Time: 15.30

Safe Fast Reactor Working in the Regime of
Slow Nuclear Burning Wave

 Oleksiy Fomin (**)

Akhiezer Intitute for Theoretical Physics,
National Science Center "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology", Ukraine


(*) Summary: After the Chernobyl accident the safety in operation of nuclear reactors has become a high-priority requirement for their design. One of the challenging concepts of a safe fast reactor with the so-called inner safety based on the self-organizing regime of the nuclear burning wave was proposed by L.P. Feoktistov in 1988. A short review of further developments of this conception will be presented and the results of our recent investigations on the problem will be discussed.

(**) Biodata: In 2006 Mr. Alex Fomin obtained a Master of Science degree at the Department of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv National University. Currently he is at the last year of his Ph.D. at Akhiezer Intitute for Theoretical Physics, NSC KIPT, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

His field of expertise is the nuclear burning wave reactor conducted at NSC KIPT. The results of his research are published in several papers and have been widely discussed at international conferences.