(*) Summary:
An efficient H/W implementation of Sample Important Resample (SIR)
Particle Filters (PF) is presented. Apart from PFs which do not use
resampling, SIR PF has less computational complexity. Resampling is not
computationally intensive but it is a bottleneck in parallel
implementation. To increase speed we modified the algorithm to allow
for overlapping its operations with particle generation. We used
multiple processing elements (PEs) to work in parallel, where each PE
processes a fraction of the total number of particles, and a single
Resampling and Routing Unit (RRU), which controls the operations of the
PEs, making inter-resampling and propagating allocated particles for
PEs. The modifications presented here concerned with both sampling and
resampling steps. The generation of new particles, the computation of
their weights and intra-resampling are processed in parallel using 8
PEs, which each process eight particles. To distribute resampled
particles equally, the routing unit compares the amount of particles
allocated for each PE and exchange particles among PEs using a local
ring. If one PE unit allocated the maximum number of particles (i.e. 8
particles), the routing unit escapes it and allocates the rest of
particles to the next PE until it reaches the maximum amount of
particles and so on. Routing strategy presented here allows for
efficient memory utilization in addition to resource saving. For weight
computation step, a linear function is proposed instead of exponential
one. This decreases the complexity of the architecture without
degrading the results. The H/W implementation targeted an Enhanced PF
for object tracking application. FPGA is used as implementation H/W
(**) Biodata: Professor
Imbaby I. Mahmoud
is Head of the Computer and System Engineering Department, NRC, Atomic
Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt. He earned his Dr. of Engeneering Degree
from School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
in March 1994 in the field of Very Large Scale Integration Design.
worked at the KFKI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
under an IAEA fellowship in 1998. In addition he has served as
technical officer of an IAEA project on Environmental Monitoring
During the period Oct.2001–Jun2007 Professor
Mahmoud lectured on programming, computer logic, computer networks and
collaborated with graduation projects at Dammam College of Technology
in Saudi Arabia. In the same period he supervised M. Sc. and Ph. D.
candidates in Egypt in the field of design and implementation of
different algorithms in Field Programmable Gate Array.
Mahmoud is a member of several scientific associations including The
Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers,
Japan, IEEE, USA,and the Egyptian Society of Nuclear Sciences and
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(***) From work by H. A. Abd El-Halym , Imbaby I. Mahmoud, and S. E.-D. Habib.