2009 Academic Year

Monday, 11 May, 2009

Oppenheimer Meeting Room, Second Floor, Leonardo Building

Time: 15.30


Paleoradiology: Imaging Mummies and Fossils (*)

Rethy Chhem (**)
Director of the Division of Human Health
International Atomic Energy Agency

(*) Summary. Paleoradiology is the use of X-rays and advanced medical imaging modalities in the evaluation of ancient human and animal skeletons as well as biological materials from archaeological sites. Paleoradiological studies have been performed on mummies, skeletal remains and fossils to determine their sex and age at death. Diagnostic paleoradiology is the use of X-ray studies to detect ancient diseases.The broad range of themes and imaging techniques in this presentation reflects two decades of clinical skeletal radiology reseacrh and teaching during which Rethy Chhem read over 150,000 skeletal X-ray and CT studies.

(**) Dr. Rethy Chhem is Director of the Division of Human Health, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. He holds a MD, a PhD in Education (Comparative and International Education) and a PhD in History of Medicine (Public Health). He has conducted extensive research in musculoskeletal radiology and medical education. Before his recruitment, he was Professor and Chair of the Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.
