Chela-Flores, J. (2003) Evolution of intelligent behavior: Does complex chemistry offer evidence of purpose? in Fitness of the Cosmos for Life: Biochemistry and Fine-tuning, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation, 2003. (Pre-conference paper, full paper available in 2008, in "Fitness of the cosmos for life: Biochemistry and fine-tuning", John D. Barrow, Simon Conway Morris, Stephen J. Freeland and Charles L. Harper, eds., Cambridge University Press)
The Abdus Salam ICTP, I-34014, Trieste, Italy and
Instituto de Estudios Avanzados, Caracas, Venezuela.
ABSTRACT. The question that brings us together is whether in science (cosmology, astrophysics or biology especially biochemistry) there may be laws, general mechanisms (for instance, natural selection), and special values of some physical constants that could be interpreted in natural theology as indications of purpose. The example of 'fine-tuning' in astrophysics has led to a weaker and a stronger version of the Anthropic Principle. Firstly, there are some remarkable numerical coincidences in the fundamental constants of physics that seem to conspire in favor of the appearance of intelligent life in the universe (an early remark attributed to Hoyle). These arguments have inspired discussions in the cultural frontier with the humanities. Is there an analogy in biochemistry? We will argue that the appearance of intelligent life may be interpreted, not only as the conspiracy of the values of the physical constants of microscopic physics, but intelligent life also seems to be the end product of a 'conspiracy' of evolution; indeed, natural selection and convergence are relevant at various levels, starting at the level of biochemistry and ending at the cosmic level. We will illustrate general aspects of this 'second interpretation' for the appearance of intelligent behavior in the universe.
What is the position of our tree of life in the universe?
In order to decide what is
the position of our tree of life in the universe, we must appeal
to science. First of all, we should put aside some philosophical
objections that have been deeply rooted in the literature. Evolutionary
convergence is an aspect of evolution that restricts its intrinsic
randomness and suggests the following possibility:
In Monod's book Chance and Necessity the author overemphasized
the role of 'pure chance' in evolution. He excluded the role that
evolutionary convergence may have had in the evolution of life
on Earth. On this basis Monod concluded that trends in biological
evolution must be rejected. This question is not merely philosophical,
although its philosophical implications are important. The question
of evolutionary trends is relevant to the subject of astrobiology.
For there has been an enormous technological revolution in the
capability of scanning the celestial sphere for traces of ongoing
communication amongst civilizations that are the product of evolution
of intelligent behavior elsewhere. We further underline the fact
that chance at the molecular level (mutations in the genome),
does not exclude organisms from exhibiting trends at a higher
level of organization.
Another aspect of the existence of trends in evolution is also
relevant to natural theology, as it has been discussed extensively
(Peacocke, 1988). This seems to be an appropriate place to leave
the subject of deeper implications of the search for extraterrestrial
life at this particular crossroad of bioastronomy, philosophy
and theology. However, we would like to underline the importance
of the trends in evolution for both science and theology. The
rationale for the SETI project is the assumption that trends in
evolution that have been observed on Earth may serve as a basis
for understanding the eventual "contact" between different
forms of civilizations that do not belong to the same tree of
Natural theology, on the other hand, is the body of knowledge
about religion that can be obtained by human reason alone without
appealing to revelation. Within this context, the trends towards
larger brains that have been observed in evolution on Earth may
serve for the intrinsic and necessary problem in natural theology,
namely, rationalizing the concept of Divine Action, without the
fear of failing to establish a reasonable constructive dialogue
with science. The realization that randomness in evolution does
not rule out the existence of evolutionary convergence, opens
the door for real progress in the integrated approach to all forms
of culture. Such an approach will not fall in the trap that dates
back to the publication of Darwin's seminal work, when possibly,
because of the difficulty of communication between science and
religion, a confrontation between faith and reason emerged. Unfortunately,
such a confrontation has not disappeared altogether.
The Weak Anthropic Principles in Cosmology and in Biology (including biochemistry)
There is no difficulty in
accepting the 'weak' anthropic principle: change the laws (and
constants of nature) and the universe that would emerge most likely
would not be compatible with life. In biochemistry there is clearly
an analogous statement, namely, omit the observed cosmic abundance
of the biogenic elements that are favorable to life; further omit
the environments (earthlike planets or Europalike satellites)
that favor evolution and radiative adaptation; the consequence
is that life would not arise.
However, difficulties would arise both in cosmology and in biology
if we were to formulate the anthropic principles in the following
'strong' terms:
(a) The laws of nature and the physical constants were established so that human beings would arise in the universe.
(b) The distribution of
earthlike environments and Europalike satellites were laid out
so that human beings would arise in the universe.
One evident difficulty
which we have considered in some detail in our recent book (2001).
The laws of nature, according to the evidence that we can infer
from the Earth biota, which by now is about 3 billion-year-old,
only imply that the evolution of intelligent behavior seems inevitable.
What is not evident is the inevitability of the emergence of human
Is there an analogy of fine-tuning in biochemistry?
Two issues have been discussed in the past regarding
the universal nature of biology in general, and biochemistry in
particular: (1) Life may be a cosmic imperative (De Duve, 1995).
(2) Multicellular life may be a rare phenomenon in the cosmos,
although the existence of microbial life may still be widespread
(the 'Rare-Earth' hypothesis, Ward and Brownlee, 2000). We shall
discuss a third issue: (3) evolution of intelligent behavior may
be just a question of time (and preservation of steady planetary
conditions), and hence ubiquitous in the universe. Darwin's theory
of evolution is assumed to be the only theory that can adequately
account for the phenomena that we associate with life anywhere
in the universe (Dawkins, 1983). We argue in favor of the inevitability
of the origin and evolution of life. We assume that Darwinian
evolution is a universal process and that the role of contingency
has to be seen in the restricted context of parallelism and evolutionary
convergence (Akindahunsi and Chela-Flores, 2004). Convergence
is not restricted to biology, but also in other realms of science.
The question "What would be conserved if the tape of evolution
were played twice?", is relevant for astrobiology. It has
been raised repeatedly in the past (Fontana and Buss, 1994). Besides
it underlies one of the basic questions in astrobiology. Since
all forms of life known to us are terrestrial organisms, it is
relevant to the question of whether the science of biology is
of universal validity (Dawkins, 1983; Chela-Flores, 2003a).
The sharp distinction between chance (contingency) and necessity
(natural selection as the main driving force in evolution) is
relevant for astrobiology. Independent of historical contingency,
natural selection is powerful enough for organisms living in similar
environments to be shaped to similar ends. For this reason, it
is important to document the phenomenon of evolutionary convergence
at all levels (cf., next section) in the ascent from stardust
to brain evolution. In particular, documenting evolutionary convergence
at the molecular level is the first step in this direction. Our
examples militate in favor of assuming that, to a certain extent
and in certain conditions, natural selection may be stronger than
chance (Conway-Morris, 1998). We raise the question of the possible
universality of biochemistry, one of the sciences supporting chemical
Convergence at the cosmic level and its tests within the solar system
In a way, the key question of the convergence in biochemistry arises first of all due to the nature of the formation of solar systems. For we have learnt that the key elements for life are intrinsically bound to the small bodies that seem to be characteristic of solar systems in general. Hydrogen and helium make up almost the totality of the chemical species of the Universe. Only 2% of matter is of a different nature, of which approximately one half is made by the five additional biogenic elements (C, N, O, S, P). From organic chemistry we know that nuclear synthesis is relevant for the generation of the elements of the Periodic Table beyond hydrogen and helium and, eventually, for the first appearance of life in solar systems. The elements synthesized in stellar interiors are needed for making the organic compounds that have been observed in the circumstellar, as well as in interstellar medium, in comets, and other small bodies. The same biogenic elements are also needed for the synthesis of biomolecules of life. Besides, the spontaneous generation of amino acids in the interstellar medium is suggested by general arguments based on biochemistry. The detection of amino acids in the room-temperature residue of an interstellar ice analogue that was ultraviolet-irradiated in a high vacuum has yielded 16 amino acids, some of which are also found in meteorites (Muñoz Caro et al., 2002; cf., also Bernstein et al., 2002). There are factors, which contribute to the formation of habitable planets. The Murchison meteorite may even play a role in the origin of life: According to chemical analyses, some amino acids have been found in several meteorites: in Murchison we find basic molecules for the origin of life such as lipids, nucleotides, and over 70 amino acids (Cronin and Chang, 1993). Most of the amino acids are not relevant to life on Earth and may be unique to meteorites. This remark demonstrates that those amino acids present in the meteorite, which also plays the role of protein monomers, are indeed of extraterrestrial origin.) If the presence of biomolecules on the early Earth is due in part to the bombardment of interplanetary dust particles, or comets and meteorites, then the same phenomenon could have taken place in any of other solar systems.
Diverse types of convergence in biochemistry
Mechanistic convergence occurs
when the sequence and structure of molecules are very different
but the mechanisms by which they act are similar. Serine proteases
have evolved independently in bacteria (e.g. subtilisin) and vertebrates
(e.g. trypsin). Despite their very different sequences and three-dimensional
structures, they are such that the same set of three amino acids
form the active site. The catalytic triads are His 57, Asp 102,
and Ser 195 (trypsin) and Asp 32, His 64 and Ser 221 (subtilisin)
(Doolittle, 1994, Tramontano, 2002). Another popular example often
cited are the antifreeze glycoproteins in Antarctic notothenioid
fish and Arctic cod, but as we have reviewed it recently, we shall
omit the details (Akindahunsi and Chela-Flores, 2004)
The red- and green-like visual pigments in fish, Astyanax fasciatus,
and human is another case of convergence at the molecular level.
The blind cavefish Astyanax fasciatus is sensitive to two
long wavelength visual pigments. In humans, the long wavelength
green and red visual pigments diverged about 30 Myr BP. The mammalian
lineage diverged from fishes about 400 Myr BP, but a recent episode
in evolution has granted fish multiple wavelength-sensitive green
and red pigments. Genetic analysis demonstrates that the red pigment
in humans and fish evolved independently from the green pigment
by a few identical amino acid substitutions (Yokoyama and Yokoyama,
1990), a clear case of evolutionary convergence at the molecular
The emergence of intelligent life in the universe, another case of fine-tuning?
We have assumed that natural
selection seems to be powerful enough to shape terrestrial organisms
to similar ends, independent of historical contingency. Besides,
it can be said in stronger terms that essentially, evolutionary
convergence can be viewed as a 're-run of the tape of evolution',
with end results that are broadly predictable.
The assumed universality of biochemistry suggests that in solar
system missions, biomarkers should be selected from standard biochemistry.
Given the importance of deciding whether the evolution of
intelligent behavior has followed a convergent evolutionary pathway,
and given the intrinsic difficulty of testing directly (the 50
year-old SETI project), within the realm of science we can begin
testing the lowest sages of the evolutionary pathway within the
solar system. Indeed, we are in a position to search directly
evolutionary biomarkers on Europa. We have considered that if
extant microorganisms are to be encountered, the most urgent set
of evolutionary biomarkers are ion channels (Chela-Flores, 2003b).
Given the length of time before we can test them directly, a full
discussion at the present time of the feasibility of carrying
out a proper test is timely. Within the restrictions of an in-situ
laboratory, tests on the ice surface for microorganisms present
some challenges that seem within the possibilities of molecular
biology techniques. However, the most interesting case concerns
the next orbital mission. It is expected to determine specific
locations where the icy surface is thin enough for a submersible
(hydrobot) penetration, or for testing directly the surface for
the presence of microorganisms. We already know from the dynamics
of iced surfaces in Antarctica, for instance over Lake Vostok,
that microorganisms are found in the ice overlying the lake. We
have discussed these possibilities separately (Gatta and Chela-Flores,
2004) and conclude that commercial interest has already pushed
some of the experimental equipment required in future tests in
solar system exploration in the right direction (miniaturization,
so that the space mission can be fitted adequately and realistically).
We consider that the techniques of microscopic fluorescence could
be adapted to a future mission that included the possibility of
landing (or even penetrating) on the icy surface. Thus, we may
conclude that within the realm of scientific research in the foreseeable
future we can address the question of 'fine-tuning' in the following
sense: Evolution of the cosmos, and especially biological evolution
right from the biochemical level, may be 'fine-tuned' for the
inevitable emergence of intelligent behavior throughout the cosmos,
provided there is preservation of steady planetary conditions
over geologic time.
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