The seminar will be focusesd
on quality evaluation of compressed images. One fundamental difficulty
in working with digital medical images is the size of individual
files involved. This difficulty increases as the number of necessary
images for a single patient also increases. At this point, compression
will be needed to allow long-term and cost-efficient storage,
as well as, rapid access and transmission over digital communication
channels. Nevertheless, due to the information loss, reconstructed
images exhibit degradation in their quality. Effective diagnosis
can be affected due to the problem of a certain level of image
compression. The aim of the present project is to establish a
physical criterion to stop image compression in different medical
applications. Some objective metrics are analyzed, its correlation
with real observer evaluation and also the use of some mathematical
observers. The seminar will end with an outline of other projects
of CEETI in Image Analysis.
(*) Dr. Marlen Perez-Diaz:
In 1993 she obtained her first degree in nuclear physics engineering¸at
the Institute for Sciences and Advanced Technologies in Cuba.
In the year 2003 she obtained the doctorate in the field of medical
imaging at the same institute.
Dr. Perez-Diaz teaches and does her research in medical physics
at Center for Studies on Electronics and Information Technologies
of the Central University of Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba. Her
special interest is on quality control and medical imaging. She
has participated in research activities in Madrid, Sweden, and
RÌo de Janeiro and is a member of Third World Organization
for Women in Science. She has been awarded several national prizes
for her work and is a member of the Nuclear Medicine Society of
the USA. She is supervising several doctorate and Master theses
in medical imaging. Dr. Perez-Diaz has participated in numerous
national and international events and has published the results
of her research in national and international journals.